WP02 PRR: Master Oscillator and RF Reference Distribution Production and Schedule How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt) Change the partner logos or add others in the last row.
GPS Rubidium Oscillator (GPS- Rb) Redundancy Controller MO Schedule Components Manufactured by Module Delivery Installation Commissioning 1 GC GPS Rubidium Oscillator (GPS- Rb) Company This week 01.11.2014 15.11.2014 100 MHz Synthesizer DESY 01.10.2014 1.3 GHz Synthesizer DESY (components by a company Power Supply Module 2 GCs As above 01.01.2015 15.01.2015 01.02.2015 Redundancy Controller 03.2015 04.2015 06.2015 Racks DONE Phase Noise Analyzer RF Distribution Box 15.11.2104 216 MHz & 10 MHz Box 1st December 2014: 1 GC ready 1st February 2015: all 3 GCs ready with inner rack cabling Summer 2015 – Redundancy controller ready Summer 2015 – MO commissioning in UG5 August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT
REFM Boxes Component Summary REFM Designator REFM quantity Component quantity per module INCON Interf. Tap Point Link power amplifier Stabilized amplifier Power splitter Frequency divider TMCB FMC for TMCB FRED PLL 3.9GHz REFM-MO 12 1 REFM-KLM REFM-Laser 3 REFM-INJ 2 REFM-39 REFM-L1 REFM-L2 REFM-Slave-L1 REFM-BC REFM-L2.1 REFM-L2.2 REFM-L3.1 4 REFM-L3.2 8 REFM-L3.3 REFM-L3.4 REFM-Slave 23 REFM-CL REFM-XTD 5 REFM-OPT 10 TOTAL 95 52 63 31 58 77 56 August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT
REFM Boxes Component Status Device Status INCON Prototype in production, tests in September Interferometer Tap Point Autotuning version under development, prototype expected in October/November Link power amplifier COTS Stabilized amplifier 2nd version developed. Expected beginning Nov. ‘14 Power splitter Available Frequency divider Available (DESY design) TMCB Available (on DESY purchase list) FMC for TMCB Expected in October ‘14 FRED PLL 3.9GHz Prototype running in FLASH. Copy planned for 01.2015 August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT
REFM Boxes Schedule 09.2014: INCON evaluation with manually tuned link 10-11.2014: REFM-MO design and prototype production now-11.2014: Development of autotuned interferometer tap point 12.2014 - 01.2015: Mechanical design of boxes and variants 01.2015: Production of REFM-39 copy 02.2015: Production of REFM prototypes for Injector. Expected REFM- OPT. 03 – 04.2015: Commissioning in XFEL 04 – 06.2015: Finalizing designs and launching production in company (probably the same as for LLRF LOGM devices) August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT
REF Distribution Status and Schedule Cabling was designed and ordered MO prototype is now running in XFEL. Sufficient to commission surrounding devices. 1 MO Generation Channel (final performance) by Nov. 2014: fits to planned MLO and optical links commissioning end 2014/begin 2015 Until final REFM development we have portable, temporary REFM sufficient for entire RF station commissioning Interferometer installation must follow RF station installations (cryomodules racks REFM boxes final cabling commissioning) 03.2015 we plan to install first REFM boxes and run links synchronized to MO Following installations will deliver signals further along the machine Plan to „catch” RF stations installation schedule in autumn 2015 Last station (according to PIT) is planned for 09.2016 Commissioning of last station REF distribution should be the end of RF Synchronization project All systems phase synchronized to the the RF Master Oscillator RF signal phase adjusted to the MO with 10 fs accuracy at each of 10 optical system outputs In case of optical system failure, the coax distribution should still deliver signals but with limited performance Main drive line as a cascade of IMx interferometers IMx interferometers are redundant August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT
Thank you for attention! Milestones Thank you for attention! August 26th 2014, DESY Krzysztof Czuba, ISE, WUT