By: Paula Marín Lago 2º E.S.O B EXCHANGE VIGO-LAATZEN 2013-2014 By: Paula Marín Lago 2º E.S.O B
Louisa Meisner Louisa is 13 years old. She lives in a house with her parents, her brother and her grandmother.
She loves hip-hop. She likes goING shopping and meetING friends too.
A day of Louisa´s week is very bussy: she wakes up at 6:15, she has a very small breakfast (usually bread with Nutella or marmelade), she dresses and she goes to the school BY bus at 7:10. At school she has some subjeCts, that change deppending oN the day. Then she takeS the bus again to come back her house. She usually SHE has a very small lunch too. In the afternoon she DOes her homework. Before she has dinner at 18:30, more or less, and she goes to bed at 21:30-22:00.
At the weekends Louisa usually goes to the shopping centre with her friends.
I think that in Spanish school boys and girls work more. In Germany people go to school earlier, eat earlier and go to bed earlier than in Spain.
I don´t like at all the times, I think that they have very early the dinner and that they wake up very early too. I didn´t like German people of the street, a lot of them were sometimes very Umpolite.
I don´t like the drinks, because I hate gas, and they usually were drinking thingS with gas.
I love the cities like Berlin or Hannover, but I don´t LIKE the weather, it´s very cold.
I love the food, because, the people WERE EATING all the time I love the food, because, the people WERE EATING all the time. They were eating hot chocolate, Smooties, Nutella, and things like that...