Business Communication Today Chapter 3 Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Learning Objectives Discuss the challenges and opportunities of intercultural communication. Define culture, explain how culture is learned, and define ethnocentrism and stereotyping. Explain the importance of recognizing cultural variations and list eight categories of cultural differences. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Learning Objectives List four general guidelines for adapting to any business culture. Identify seven steps you can take to improve your intercultural communication skills. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Communication in a Diverse World (LO 3.1) Discuss the challenges and opportunities of intercultural communication. Although the concept of diversity is often framed in terms of ethnic background, a broader and more useful definition includes all the characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals. These characteristics and experiences can have a profound effect on the way businesspeople communicate. Intercultural communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background could lead them to interpret verbal messages and nonverbal cues differently. To communicate successfully, you will need a basic grasp of the cultural differences you may encounter and how you might handle them. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Opportunities in a Global Marketplace Domestic markets are opening to worldwide competition as businesses of all sizes look for new growth opportunities outside their own countries. U.S. businesses export hundreds of billions of dollars worth of materials and merchandise, along with billions more in personal and professional services. Not surprisingly, effective communication is key to cross-cultural and global business. In a recent survey, nearly 90% of executives said their companies’ profit, revenue, and market share would all improve if their international communication skills could be improved. In addition, 50% of these executives said communication or collaboration breakdowns had affected major international business efforts in their companies. The good news is that improving your cultural communication skills could make you a more valuable job candidate at every stage of your career. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
The Advantages of a Diverse Workforce Obtaining More Views and Ideas Understanding of Diverse Markets Accessing a Broader Pool of Talent Even if you never visit another country or transact business on a global scale, you will still interact with colleagues from a variety of cultures with a wide range of characteristics and life experiences. Over the past few decades, many innovative companies have changed the way that they approach diversity, from seeing it as a legal requirement to seeing it as a strategic opportunity. Smart business leaders recognize the competitive advantages of a workforce that offers a broader spectrum of viewpoints and ideas, helps companies understand diverse markets, and enables companies to benefit from a wider range of employee talents. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
The Challenges of Intercultural Communication Connecting with Diverse Employees Working Closely Together in Teams Sending and Receiving Messages Today’s increasingly diverse workforce encompasses a wide range of skills, traditions, backgrounds, experiences, outlooks, and attitudes toward work. Supervisors face the challenge of communicating with diverse employees, motivating them, and promoting cooperation. Teams face the challenge of working together closely, and companies are challenged to coexist with business partners and the community as a whole. The way you communicate is deeply influenced by the culture you were raised in. To a large degree, therefore, your culture influences the way you communicate as both a sender and a receiver. In particular, your instinct is to encode your message using the assumptions of your culture. However, members of your audience decode your message according to the assumptions of their culture. The greater the differences between cultures, the greater the chances for misunderstanding. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion In this section, we discussed the following: Opportunities in a Global Marketplace The Advantages of a Diverse Workforce The Challenges of Intercultural Communication The next section will cover Developing Cultural Competency. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Developing Cultural Competency (LO 3.2) Define culture, explain how culture is learned, and define ethnocentrism and stereotyping. Cultural competency includes an appreciation for cultural differences that affect communication and the ability to adjust one’s communication style to ensure that efforts to send and receive messages across cultural boundaries are successful. In other words, it requires a combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Understanding the Concept of Culture Symbols Attitudes Expectations Beliefs Values Norms What Is Culture? Culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for behavior. Members of a given culture tend to have similar assumptions about how people should think, behave, and communicate. Furthermore, they all tend to act on those assumptions in much the same way. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Understanding the Concept of Culture Automatic •Works on an Unconscious Level Coherent •Fairly Logical and Consistent Complete •Answers Life’s Big Questions Culture is passed from generation to generation both directly (by being instructed) and indirectly (by observing others). Since you are often unaware of the influence of your own culture, your actions and reactions are essentially automatic. In addition to being automatic, established cultures tend to be coherent; that is, they are fairly logical and consistent throughout. Cultures also tend to be complete. They provide most of their members with most of the answers to life’s big questions. This idea of completeness can suppress curiosity about life in other cultures. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Overcoming Ethnocentrism and Stereotyping What Is Ethnocentrism? Judging others according to your standards What Is Xenophobia? Fearing interaction with strangers and foreigners What Is Stereotyping? Ascribing attributes based on a person’s culture Given the automatic influence of culture, people often conclude that their own culture or group is superior to other groups or cultures. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge all other groups according to your own group’s standards, behaviors, and customs. An even more extreme reaction is xenophobia, a fear of strangers and foreigners. Clearly, businesspeople who take these views will not interpret messages from other cultures correctly; neither are they likely to send successful messages. Stereotyping involves ascribing a wide range of generalized attributes to an individual on the basis of his or her membership in a particular culture or social group, without considering the individual’s unique characteristics. While ethnocentrism and xenophobia represent negative views of everyone in a particular group, stereotyping is more a matter of oversimplifying and failing to acknowledge individuality. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Practicing Cultural Pluralism Accept Cultures on Their Own Terms Avoid Making Assumptions Avoid Making Judgments Acknowledge Differences Those who want to show respect for others and communicate effectively in business need to adopt a more positive view of other cultures. Cultural pluralism is the practice of accepting multiple cultures on their own terms. To show respect for other people and to communicate effectively in business, do the following: Avoid assumptions. Do not assume that others will act the same way you do, operate from the same assumptions, or use language and symbols the same way you do. Avoid judgments. When people act differently, do not conclude that they are in error, that their way is invalid, or that their customs are inferior to your own. Acknowledge distinctions. Do not ignore differences between another person’s culture and your own. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion In this section, we discussed the following: Understanding the Concept of Culture Overcoming Ethnocentrism and Stereotyping Practicing Cultural Pluralism The next section will cover Recognizing Variations in a Diverse World. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Recognizing Variations in a Diverse World (LO 3.3) Explain the importance of cultural variations and list eight categories of cultural differences. You can begin to learn how people in other cultures want to be treated by recognizing and accommodating eight main types of cultural differences: contextual, legal and ethical, social, nonverbal, age, gender, religious, and ability. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Contextual Differences More Less Low-Context Culture Message Content Circumstances Every attempt at communication occurs within a cultural context, the mixture of traditions, expectations, and unwritten social rules that help convey meaning between members of the same culture. Cultures vary widely in the role that context plays in communication. In a high-context culture, people rely less on the explicit content of the message and more on the context of nonverbal actions and environmental settings to convey meaning. In such cultures, as individuals grow up, they learn how to recognize situational cues (such as gestures and tone of voice) and how to respond as expected. Also, in a high-context culture, the primary role of communication is often for building relationships, not exchanging information. In a low-context culture, people rely more on the explicit content of the message and less on circumstances and cues to convey meaning. In other words, more of the conveyed meaning is encoded into the message itself. The different expectations of low- and high-context cultures can create friction and misunderstanding when people try to communicate across cultural boundaries. High-Context Culture Less More Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Legal and Ethical Differences Seek Mutual Ground Withhold Judgment Send Honest Messages Respect Cultural Differences Cultural context also influences legal and ethical behavior, which in turn can affect communication. Ethical principles are based to a large extent on cultural values, so trying to make ethical choices across cultures is complicated. When communicating across cultures, keep your messages ethical by applying four basic principles: Actively seek mutual ground. Send and receive messages without judgment. Send messages that are honest. Show respect for cultural differences. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Formal and Informal Rules Social Differences Formal and Informal Rules Work and Success Roles and Status Use of Manners Concept of Time Orientation to the Future Openness and Inclusiveness Use of Technology Social behavior is guided by formal and informal rules that influence the overall behavior of most people in a society most of the time. In addition, social norms can vary from culture to culture in the following areas: Attitudes toward work and success. In the United States, for instance, a widespread view is that material comfort earned by individual effort is a sign of superiority, and that people who work hard are better than those who don’t. Roles and status. Culture influences the roles that people play, including who communicates with whom, what they communicate, and in what way. Use of manners. What is polite in one culture may be rude in another. Concepts of time. People in low-context cultures see time as a way to plan their business days efficiently, viewing time as a limited resource. However, executives from high-context cultures often see the efficient use of time as being less important than building a business relationship. Future orientation. Successful companies tend to have a strong future orientation, planning for and investing in the future; but national cultures around the world vary widely in this viewpoint. Openness and inclusiveness. Cultures vary on how open they are to accepting people from other cultures or those who don’t fit the prevailing norms within the culture. An unwillingness to accommodate others can range from outright exclusion to subtle pressures to conform to majority expectations. Use of communication technologies. Don’t assume that colleagues and customers around the world use the same communication tools that you use. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Nonverbal Differences Greetings Personal Space Formality Facial Expressions Touching Posture Eye Contact Nonverbal communication can be a reliable guide to determining the meaning of a message—but this situation holds true only if the sender and receiver assign the same meaning to nonverbal signals. When you will be interacting with people in another culture, study the culture in advance and then observe the way people behave in the following areas: Greetings. Do people shake hands, bow, or kiss lightly (on one side of the face or both)? Personal space. When people are conversing, do they stand closer together or farther away than you are accustomed to? Touching. Do people touch each other on the arm to emphasize a point, or slap each other on the back to show congratulations? Do they avoid touching? Posture. Do people slouch and relax in the office and in public, or do they sit up and stand up straight? Eye contact. Do people make frequent eye contact or avoid it? Frequent eye contact is a sign of honesty and openness in the U.S., but in other cultures, it can be a sign of aggressiveness or disrespect. Formality. In general, does the culture seem more or less formal than yours? Facial expressions. Do people shake their heads to indicate “no” and nod them to indicate “yes”? This is typical in the United States, but it’s not universal. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Age Differences Cultures That Value Youth Cultures That Value Seniority Cultures With Multiple Generations In some cultures, youth is associated with strength, energy, possibilities, and freedom, whereas age is associated with declining powers and a loss of respect and authority. In contrast, in cultures that value age and seniority, longevity earns respect and increasing power and freedom. In addition to cultural values associated with various life stages, the multiple generations within a culture present another dimension of diversity. Today’s workplaces can have three or even four generations working side by side. Each generation can bring particular strengths to the workplace. However, each of these generations has been shaped by dramatically different world events, social trends, and technological advances, so it is not surprising that they often have different values, expectations, and communication habits. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Gender Differences •Perception of Men and Women •Percentage of Management Roles •Different Communication Styles Gender influences workplace communication in several important ways. First, the perception of men and women in business varies from culture to culture, so gender bias can range from overt discrimination to subtle and even unconscious beliefs. Second, although the ratio of men and women in entry-level professional positions is roughly equal, the percentage of management roles held by men increases steadily the further one looks up the corporate ladder. This imbalance can significantly affect communication in such areas as mentoring, which is a vital development opportunity for lower and middle managers who want to move into senior positions. Third, evidence suggests that men and women tend to have somewhat different communication styles. Broadly speaking, men emphasize content and outcomes in their communication efforts, whereas women place a higher premium on relationship maintenance. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Religious Differences Personal Beliefs Workplace Issues Religion in the workplace is a complex and contentious issue. As one of the most personal and influential aspects of life, religion brings potential for controversy in a work setting—as evidenced by a significant rise in the number of religious discrimination lawsuits. Some employees feel they should be able to express their beliefs in the workplace, but companies try to avoid situations in which openly-expressed religious differences cause friction between employees or distract them from their responsibilities. As more businesses establish inclusive workplaces, you can expect to see this issue being discussed at many companies in the coming years. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Ability Differences Respect for Individuals Sensitivity to Differences Use of Assistive Technologies People whose hearing, vision, cognitive ability, or physical ability to operate computers is impaired can be at a significant disadvantage in today’s workplace. As with other elements of diversity, success starts with respect for individuals and sensitivity to differences. Employers can also invest in a variety of assistive technologies that help create a vital link for thousands of employees with disabilities, giving them opportunities to pursue a greater range of career paths and giving employers access to a broader base of talent. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion In this section, we discussed the following: Contextual Differences Legal and Ethical Differences Social Differences Nonverbal Differences (Continued on Next Slide) Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion Age Differences Gender Differences Religious Differences Ability Differences The next section will cover Adapting to Other Business Cultures. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Adapting to Other Business Cultures (LO 3.4) List four general guidelines for adapting to any business culture. Whether you’re trying to work productively with members of another generation in your own office or with a business partner on the other side of the world, adapting your approach is essential to successful communication. This section offers general advice on adapting to any business culture, and specific advice for professionals from other cultures on adapting to the business culture in the United States. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Adapting to any Business Culture Be Aware of Your Own Biases Ignore the “Golden Rule” Exercise Tolerance, Flexibility, and Respect Practice Patience and a Sense of Humor Four general guidelines can help all business communicators improve their cultural competency: Become aware of your own biases. Successful intercultural communication requires more than just an understanding of the other party’s culture; you need to understand your own culture and the way it shapes your communication habits. Ignore the “Golden Rule.” You probably heard this growing up: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” The problem with the Golden Rule is that it assumes other people want to be treated the same way you want to be treated. This is not always the case, particularly across cultural boundaries. The best approach: treat people the way they want to be treated. Exercise tolerance, flexibility, and respect. As IBM’s Ron Glover puts it, “To the greatest extent possible we try to manage our people and our practices in ways that are respectful of the core principles of any given country, organization, or culture.” Practice patience and maintain a sense of humor. Even the most committed and attuned business professionals can make mistakes during intercultural communication, so it is vital for all parties to be patient with one another. A sense of humor is a helpful asset as well, allowing people to move past awkward and embarrassing moments. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Adapting to U.S. Business Culture Individualism Equality Privacy and Personal Space Time Schedules Religion Communication Style If you are a recent immigrant to the U.S. or grew up in a culture outside the U.S. mainstream, the following key points can help you understand business communication in this country: Individualism. U.S. culture expects individuals to succeed by their own efforts, and it rewards individual success. Even though teamwork is emphasized in many companies, competition between individuals is expected. Equality. The concept of equality is considered a core American value. To a greater degree than many other cultures, Americans believe that every person should be given the opportunity to pursue whatever dreams and goals he or she may have in life. Privacy and personal space. People in this country are accustomed to a fair amount of privacy, and this includes their “personal space” at work. Time and schedules. In the U.S., businessmen and businesswomen value punctuality and the efficient use of time. For instance, meetings are expected to start and end at designated times. Religion. The U.S. does not have an official religion. Many different religions are practiced throughout the country, and people are expected to respect each other’s beliefs. Communication style. Communication tends to be direct and focused on content and transactions, not relationships or group harmony. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion In this section, we discussed the following: Adapting to Any Business Culture Adapting to U.S. Business Culture The next section will cover Improving Intercultural Communication Skills. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Improving Intercultural Communication Skills (LO 3.5) Identify seven steps you can take to improve your intercultural communication skills. Communicating successfully from one culture to another requires a variety of skills. You can improve your intercultural skills throughout your career. Begin now by studying other cultures and languages, respecting preferences for communication styles, learning to write and speak clearly, listening carefully, knowing when to use interpreters and translators, and helping others adapt to your culture. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Studying Other Cultures Knowledge, Ability, and Motivation Research, Practice, and Honest Effort Online Sources, Print Media, and Videos Effectively adapting your communication efforts to another culture requires not only knowledge about the culture but also the ability and the motivation to change your personal habits as needed. Fortunately, you do not need to learn about the whole world all at once. Even a small amount of research and practice will help you get through many business situations. Most people respond positively to honest effort and good intentions, and many business associates will help you along if you show an interest in learning more about their cultures. You will gradually accumulate knowledge, which will help you feel comfortable and be effective in a wide range of business situations. Numerous websites and books offer advice on traveling to and working in specific cultures. Also, try to sample newspapers, magazines, and the music and movies of another country. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Studying Other Languages Career Opportunities Business Relationships Social Situations Language Assumptions As commerce continues to globalize, the demand for multilingual communicators also continues to grow. The ability to communicate in more than one language can make you a more competitive job candidate and open up a wider variety of career opportunities. Even if your colleagues or customers in another country do speak your language, it’s worth the time and energy to learn common phrases in their language. Learning the basics will help you get through everyday business and social situations. It will also demonstrate your commitment to the business relationship. Finally, do not assume that two countries that speak the same language speak it the same way. For example, it is often said that the United States and the United Kingdom are two countries divided by a common language. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Respecting Communication Styles and Preferences •Approach to Directness •Degree of Formality •Preferences for Media Communication style—including the level of directness, the degree of formality, media preferences, and other factors—varies widely from culture to culture. Knowing what your communication partners expect can help you adapt to their particular styles. Once again, watching and learning are the best ways to improve your skills. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Writing Clearly Choose Words Carefully Use Short Sentences and Paragraphs Use Plenty of Transitions Address Correspondence Properly Writing clearly is always important, of course, but it is essential when you are writing to people whose first language is not English. Follow these recommendations to make sure your message can be understood: Choose words carefully. Be brief, using simple sentences and short paragraphs. Use plenty of transitions. Address international correspondence properly. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Writing Clearly Cite Numbers and Dates Carefully Avoid Slang, Idioms, and Jargon Don’t Use Humor and Popular Culture Meet Your Audience’s Expectations Cite numbers and dates carefully. Avoid slang, idiomatic phrases, and business jargon. Avoid humor and other references to popular culture. Show your knowledge of and respect for other cultures by meeting their expectations. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Speaking and Listening Carefully Speak slowly and clearly. Don’t rephrase unless it’s needed. Look for and ask for feedback. Don’t “talk down” to anyone. Double-check for agreement. Languages vary considerably in the significance of tone, pitch, speed, and volume. To ensure successful conversations between parties who speak different languages, both speakers and listeners need to make accommodations. To be more effective in intercultural conversations, remember these tips: Speak slowly and clearly. Don’t rephrase until it’s obviously necessary. (Immediately rephrasing something you’ve just said doubles the translation workload for the listener.) Look for and ask for feedback to make sure your message is getting through. Don’t talk down to the other person by over-enunciating words or oversimplifying sentences. At the end of the conversation, double-check to make sure you and the listener agree on what has been said and decided. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Interpreters, Translators, and Translation Software Interpreters for Speaking Translators for Writing Computerized Translation Tools You may encounter business situations that require using an interpreter (for spoken communication) or a translator (for written communication). Interpreters and translators can be expensive, but skilled professionals can provide invaluable assistance for communicating in other cultural contexts. Keeping up with current language usage in a given country or culture is also critical in order to avoid embarrassing blunders. So, some countries will use back-translation to ensure accuracy. The time and cost required for professional translation has encouraged the development of computerized translation tools—dedicated software, mobile apps, and online services. Although none of these tools can translate as well as human translators, they are getting better all the time. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Helping Others Adapt to Your Culture Help Others Adapt Communication Styles Simplify the Communication Process Everyone can contribute to successful intercultural communication. Look for opportunities to help people fit in and adapt their communication style. Chances are that while you are helping, you will learn something about the other person’s culture and language, too. You can also take steps to simplify the communication process. For example, oral communication in a second language is usually more difficult than written forms, so instead of asking a foreign colleague to provide information in a conference call, you could ask for a written response instead of or in addition to the live conversation. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion In this section, we discussed the following: Studying Other Cultures Studying Other Languages Respecting Communication Styles and Preferences Writing Clearly Speaking and Listening Carefully (Continued on Next Slide) Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Summary of Discussion Respecting Communication Styles and Preferences Interpreters, Translators, and Translation Software Helping Others Adapt to Your Culture This concludes our discussion of Chapter 3: Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
Business Communication Today Chapter 3 Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 3 ̶