Objective: develop a thesis statement to answer the essay task and begin to outline which evidence to use. Do Now: Based on what you have read so far, how do you think you are going to answer the task? What will you say about Obama?
Autocratic Prepared and knows why they care about things Leadership style like a dictator—he has ultimate say Sometimes they refuse help from others/take credit for everything—don’t want outside ideas
Democratic Teamwork Encourage ideas from other people (ppl they trust) Make other people feel like their ideas are important Flaw: If they don’t like what they hear, sometimes they might ignore ideas
Evaluative Focuses on research and info gathering (well informed) Have a team approach—make decisions with other people’s input Flaw: sometimes they might disregard other ppls input to be the stronger/more powerful person
Collaborative Endeared colleagues (ppl trust/like/love them) Believe in unity/equality Help come up with ideas to come up with things that are good for everyone Consensus—they don’t like making decisions without consensus
What is a Thesis Statement? It’s arguable—what does this mean? Ms. Ferrales is 7 feet tall. THIS IS NOT AN ARGUABLE STATEMENT! Ms. Ferrales should be nominated for funniest teacher!
What is a Thesis Statement? It’s provable—what does this mean? Euthanasia is wrong. The laws surrounding legalized physician-assisted suicide don’t go far enough in protecting doctors from prosecution.
What is a Thesis Statement? It’s specific—what does this mean? Real athletes are born, not made. Consistent, strenuous practice can help turn an average gymnast into an accomplished performer
What is a Thesis Statement? It’s a road map for your reader of what you’ll discuss in your paper!
A Satisfactory Example: “President Obama is a democratic leader whose willingness to listen to the people, ability to work with Congress, and desire for international peace make him the best candidate in the 2012 Presidential Election.” “President Obama is a good president because he speaks to the people of America through his speech and democratic style of leadership inspires people to believe in him and vote for him in the 2012 election.”
Draft your own! Keep in mind the language of page 26—that you need to categorize President Obama according to the five leadership styles. Turn and share at your table. How similar/different are your ideas?
For today’s work: You will need: Your 2 articles Your course reader (p.26 and possibly p.28-30) Your research packet
Today’s goal: Now that you have your argument written out on paper, think about what evidence you have that supports your argument Today you should be able to: Identify quotes that support your argument Make direct connections to your argument Think about how to organize your paragraphs
Work Time: As you start to organize your essays, think about this sample structure… Paragraph 1: What type of leader is he (with evidence)? Paragraph 2: Evaluation of the President’s actions in office (have these helped or harmed the nation?) Paragraph 3: Our opinion of his presidency: is he a good leader? Is he good for the country (with evidence)