Outreach Training Program Construction Industry Procedures Directorate of Training and Education Outreach Training Program Construction Industry Procedures Revised January 1, 2018 Effective April 1, 2018
Construction Procedures Section II Instructions for authorized Construction Industry Outreach Trainers Ensure class consistency Improve student learning outcomes
Outreach - Construction Industry https://www. osha
Authorized Trainer Status Update Section III To Remain an Authorized Trainer: Attend OSHA #502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers every 4 years, or Attend OSHA #500 Grace Period 90-day grace period after expiration to complete OSHA #502 Allows for unexpected circumstances Cannot conduct Outreach Training Program training or receive student completion cards if status has expired
10-Hour Training Overview Section IV Provides construction workers information on how to identify, abate, avoid, and prevent job hazards on a construction site Teaches workers about: Their rights Employer responsibilities How to file a complaint Does not emphasize OSHA standards Learning objectives On CD distributed in the trainer classes, or downloadable from the Construction Outreach website Introduction to OSHA (website and Instructor Guide) Focus Four Hazards (website and in Procedures)
10-Hour Topics Section IV Mandatory 6 hours Elective 2 hours Optional
10-Hour Mandatory Topics Section IV 2 of the 6 Mandatory hours: Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) Personal Protective & Lifesaving Equip. (PPE) (30 minutes) Health Hazards in Construction (30 minutes) Noise Hazard communication Crystalline silica Any other construction health hazard
10-Hour Mandatory Topics Section IV OSHA Focus Four Hazards – 4 hours Falls (most construction fatalities) Electrocution Struck-By (e.g., falling objects, trucks, cranes) Caught-In or Between (e.g., trench hazards, equipment) Timing: Falls (minimum 1.5 hours) All Other Focus Four (minimum of 0.5 hour each)
10-Hour Elective & Optional Topics Section IV Elective (2 hours) - At least 2 topics Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, & Conveyors Excavations Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal Scaffolds Stairways and Ladders Tools - Hand & Power Optional (2 hours) Teach other construction industry hazards or policies Expand on mandatory or elective topics Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour
30-Hour Training Overview Section IV Provides a variety of training to workers with some safety responsibility OSHA standards should not be emphasized Not equivalent to OSHA Course #510 (Standards course)
30-Hour Topics Section IV Mandatory 14 hours Elective 12 hours Optional 4 hours
30-Hour Mandatory Topics Section IV Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) OSHA Focus Four Hazards (6 hours) Managing Safety and Health (2 hours) PPE (2 hours) Health Hazards in Construction (2 hours) Noise, hazard communication, and crystalline silica or Any other construction health hazard Stairways and Ladders (1 hour)
30-Hour Elective Topics Section IV 12 hours At least 6 topics Concrete and Masonry Construction Confined Space Entry Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, & Conveyors Ergonomics Excavations Fire Protection and Prevention Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment and Marine Operations; Rollover Protective Structures and Overhead Protection; and Signs, Signals and Barricades Powered Industrial Vehicles Safety and Health Programs Scaffolds Steel Erection Tools - Hand and Power Welding and Cutting Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL). If selected, this topic must be a minimum of 2.5 hours.
30-Hour Optional Topics Section IV 4 hours Teach other construction industry hazards Teach other OSHA construction industry policies Expand on mandatory or elective topics
NEW – 1-Hr Introduction to OSHA Section VI Content OSHA has required curriculum for this module https://www.osha.gov/dte/outreach/teachingaids.html Instructor guide, handouts, & participatory activities Trainer must Follow learning objectives Use the participatory activities – may either conduct individual topic practices or conduct the optional exercise Trainers may Adjust delivery strategies to audience Use work-site photos and company-specific tailoring
Introduction to OSHA https://www. osha. gov/dte/outreach/teachingaids
OSHA Focus Four Hazards Section IV OSHA has required curriculum for this module https://www.osha.gov/dte/outreach/construction/focus_four/index.html Read First - Construction Focus Four Outreach Training Packet Trainers must: Use these objectives Identify major hazards Describe types of hazards Protect yourself from hazards Employer requirements to protect you from hazards Apply effective training techniques (explained in packet) Test student’s achievement of the objectives Trainers may: Use their content or materials & edit PowerPoints Use optional Construction Safety: Choice or Chance video Use “Questions for Review” provided.
OSHA Focus Four Hazards https://www. osha
Reporting Training Classes Section IV Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) – Construction Read instructions on form Ensure coverage of required topics, including each Focus Four Hazard area If more time is spent in this area than required, report extra time in: The specific Focus Four area, or Under elective topics such as scaffolds, cranes, and excavations Outreach Training Program Requirements include more information on obtaining student cards
Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) - Construction https://www
Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) - Construction https://www Item 6 Trainer Address – Provide an address that will ensure that the cards are sent directly to you. Item 9 No. of Students - If you held a class that contained more or less students than allowed by OSHA policy, include a copy of the prior approval received. Item 10 Training Site Address - Provide the address, city, state, and country where the course was conducted. Item 12 Course Duration - Enter the start date, end date, start time, and end time of the course. Item 14 Statement of Certification - Trainer signs to verify that the class was conducted in accordance with OSHA’s requirements and attest to the accuracy of the documentation submitted. Item 16 Student Names - Ensure the names are legible.
Construction & Training Websites Section V Construction Industry Construction Outreach Materials Construction - Other OSHA Presentations OSHA Construction eTools, Preventing Fatalities Preventing Fatal Falls in Construction NIOSH Construction Publications Fatal Facts: Fact sheets about construction fatalities Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (includes Spanish) OSHA Publications. Publications, forms, posters, and fact sheets. Examples: Construction - Pocket Guide, OSHA 3252. Fall Protection in Construction, OSHA 3146. Controlling Silica Exposures in Construction, OSHA 3362. OSHA Quick Cards. Many in both English & Spanish. Straightforward references. Examples: Top Four Construction Hazards, Quick Card 3216. Construction PPE, Quick Card 3289. Fall Protection Tips, Quick Card 3257. Supported Scaffold Safety Tips, Quick Card 3242.
Questions & Answers