LBSS Varsity Rifle Team Precision air rifle team .177 caliber lead pellets If precision small bore is your desire, then see Oscar afterwards. Interest Meeting
2016-2017 LBSS Rifle Team
Who and What are we? Varsity, letter-producing sport: November - February Rifle Club: March – October open to all High School Students Members of the Potomac High School Rifle League; follow National Standard 3P Air Rifle rules Small Arms Marksmanship - Opportunity to learn to fire a small caliber air rifle in a safe and controlled environment This is an NCAA Collegiate, International and Olympic Sport Practice at Sills Range at the Izaak Walton League (Arlington-Fairfax Chapter) This is not paintball or self-defense shooting Potomac River High School League 10 schools and 11 teams (Robinson, Woodson, W. Springfield, Yorktown, Washington-Lee, Wakefield, W. Potomac, Centerville, St Johns Academy, Landon, & Mavericks) Well over 200 competitors League matches Regionals are in February NRA 3P Air Rifle rules (inclusive sport) Adaptive shooters are welcome; physical disabilities
COACHES Keith Kuck– Head Coach (NRA Certified Rifle Coach / Range Safety Officer) Mike Herms – Asst Coach Luay Murad – Asst Coach Erik Webb – Asst Coach Paul Kearney – Asst Coach Oscar Starz – Asst Coach (& Head Coach at WSHS) Jet Sturtz – Booster Rep
LBSS Rifle Team Sponsor Mr. McLellan (LtCol USMC retired) Lake Braddock Social Studies Department - Expert Qualification with the M-16, 9MM and 45 Caliber pistol - Collegiate Competitive Shooter (.22 small bore) Behind the scenes guy
Learn to compete successfully & safely Improvement in scores GOALS Learn to compete successfully & safely Improvement in scores Enjoy the sport Team Spirit To Letter: Attend scheduled practices Compete in scheduled matches Score for first year shooter 250/300, second year shooter 260/300, third year and fourth shooter 270/300 during the current high school season or better out of 300 possible. Compete in one or more sanctioned matches Favorably represent the school at all times All un-lettered Seniors, who have participated loyally for at least two years will receive a letter
Attendance Positive attitude Safety EXPECTATIONS Practices – Saturday mornings; 2 relays from 7-12 am Open Practices on Mondays (4-8pm) and Fridays (5:30-9pm) Matches are Saturday mornings and weekday evenings Opportunities for other non-league matches throughout the year Hampton Palmyra Postals (Amer Leg) JORG
Three Firing Positions Prone Standing Kneeling COURSE OF FIRE 10 Meter Distance Three Firing Positions Prone Standing Kneeling Shooters are real athletes. Extremely safe sport Hit a .5mm dot with a 4.5mm pellet travelling approximately 700 fps at a distance of 10 meters. This is a sport: nutrition/diet, health/fitness, flexibility/strength, focus, practice are all necessary components to competition.
“Bucky” Sills Range Facility 25 points from the original 7 Site of the 2015 World Police and Fire Games Air Rifle Competition We’ll start seeing more matches held here
Commitment – If this is your sport, dive in! EQUIPMENT Initially use gear from Izaak Walton League Purchase equipment and rifle: ~$450 to get started $3000 or more to fully outfit for competition shooting Commitment – If this is your sport, dive in! Depending on your level of Experience and Interest in this sport Willingness to invest in equipment >$3000 to fully outfit for competition shooting Precision Air Rifles are all German (Feinwerkbau, Anschutz, Walther, Hammerli); one USA / Crossman
REQUIRED/MANDATORY OPTIONAL ~$450 Izaak Walton / Club / Team Fee - $140 Spirit Wear / team shirt ~$40 Shooting glasses ~$20 Back tag ~$20 *Glove ~$30 *Sling ~$40 *Hand stop ~$14 *Sling swivel ~$18 *ISSF Jacket ~$150 Journal Allen wrench ~ $7 CMP Membership (Free) USA Shooting Membership $30 Jr NRA Membership $35 *Rifle ~$1000-3000 (prices used to new) *Kneeling roll ~$20 *Mat ~$35 *Off hand stand ~$100 *Pellet box ~$12 *Boots ~$100+ *Pants ~$135+ *Scope stand ~$150+ Scope ~$100 Rifle cradle - $50 *Pellets ~$10+ (500 pellets per tin) ~$450 Don’t worry about getting any of this for the tryouts, but if you make the team, then … you’ll need the basics: glove, sling with hand stop and sling swivel, glasses, journal; follow that with kneeling roll and jacket. Borrow most of the equipment from the IWL, but that is limited. We’ll be constrained for matches to include “away” matches. Left handed equipment is always a shortage. Team owns some equipment as well. Discuss fees and costs! IWL – range fee, Jr IWL membership, NOVA Sharpshooters; team fee *Equipment prices obtained from Champion’s Choice at
PARENT SUPPORT LBSS Athletic Booster Club Representative – Jet Sturtz Administration / Finance / Budget – Keith Kuck / Teresa Murad **Spirit Wear Representative – Teresa Murad Coordinate with team and CCI Printing **Assistant coaches (must have NRA certification and required on-line training for FCPS) Range Officers; formal training is required, IWL does schedule NRA RSO courses throughout the year **Carpool/drivers for away matches (3-4 total away matches; dates TBD) **Grant writer – Discuss openings and requirements Coaches – NRA offers the courses, which are normally held at the IWL lodge Next course is _______
NEXT STEPS Tryouts: Team selection around Oct 17 First Practice Oct 21 **Pink Card: Sports Physical, on-line Concussion Education, Emergency Care card & Participation Pledge ** Scheduled for Saturday, 7 October; prone Jacket and Sling, 2 shot groups of 5 shots each Relays scheduled approximately every 30 min beginning at 7:30 am until 12 noon Pants (no shorts), eye protection (provided), & patience Be prepared to listen, not talk Team selection around Oct 17 First Practice Oct 21 Matches are Nov – Feb Concussion training mandatory Sports physical
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Arlington Fairfax -IWLA Sills Air Range Air Rifle Range Range Hours for Open Practice Monday 4:00 - 8:00pm Friday 5:30 - 9:00pm Three opportunities to receive Safety Brief, get familiar with an air rifle and practice shooting Friday September 29, 5:30 - 9:00pm Monday October 2, 4:00 - 8:00pm Friday October 6, 5:30 - 9:00pm TRYOUTS Saturday OCTOBER 7
Practice Practice Practice and OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Continue to gain experience and enjoy the shooting experience Arlington Fairfax -IWLA Sills Air Range Air Rifle Range* Range Hours for Open Practice: Monday 4:00 - 8:00pm, Friday 5:30 - 9:00pm LBSS Rifle Club: March – October open to all High School Students; Saturdays 8:00 - 11:00 * Open practices are available to all AFC-IWLA members, their guests, and members of the public. Practice Practice Practice and Try Out Next Year
Youth Air Pistol Program Make it an enjoyable & fun experience Focus on the athlete’s well being Teach life skills of planning, organizing, time management & social interaction Develop concentration & confidence Coach shooting position & shooting fundamentals Provide another path to the Junior Olympics Youth Pistol League• 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month (11:00 - 2:00) Contact Mark Budgeon The sport of air pistol is shot with .177 caliber air guns at a distance of 10 meters AFC-IWLA Sills Air Range
CONTACT INFORMATION Keith Kuck (Head Coach) Oscar Starz (Asst Coach) Mr. McLellan LBSS (Sponsor) Teresa Murad - Admin Look us up!
QUESTIONS Parent “take aways” – Costs Try outs Contact info