NICC Self-Study 2010-2011 The Road to Excellence
Criteria for Accreditation Criteria Statements. Adopted by the Commission, define necessary attributes of an organization accredited by the Commission An institution must be judged to have met each of the criteria to merit accreditation. Sanctions may be applied if an affiliated institution is in jeopardy of not meeting one or more of the Criteria.
Examples of Evidence The Commission provides illustrative examples of specific types of evidence that an institution might present in addressing a Core Component. The following information are the Examples of Evidence.
Criteria One: Mission and Integrity The board has adopted statements of mission, vision, values, goals, and organizational priorities that together clearly and broadly define the organization mission They define varied internal and external constituencies the organization intends to serve.
Hanging the Mission Statement at Each Campus Example of Compliance
Mission Documents Documents include a strong commitment to high academic standards that sustain and advance excellence in learning Assessment Material (on going) Students Learning out Comes College Catalog Etc.
Mission document available to the Public College Mission in Papers, At graduations, College Fairs, Scholarships, NICC Web-site
The Codes of Belief or Expected Behavior are Congruent with its Mission Board Members Code of Ethics Bi-Laws Students College Catalog Faculty Additional Stakeholders
The organizations Strategic Decision Mission Driven Strategic Plan Date the Plan Timely review of the plan Planning and budgeting priorities flow from and support the mission. Documentation?
Criterion Two: Preparing for the Future The organizations’ allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.
Evidence Planning documents reflect a sound understanding of the org. current capacity Committees Need to Meet. Plans/technology, demographic shifts, and globalization Board>public the organization operates legally, responsibly, and with fiscal honesty.
More Evidence Resources are adequate for achievement of the educational quality it claims to provide Uses its human resources effectively Performance evaluation Staff-Faculty Qualified Faculty Workshops on going Qualified Staff
Long-range Strategic planning Mission Documents Inline with Planning Reprioritization of Goals Planning internal and external Stakeholders Consistent Evaluation Set a time
Criterion Three Clearly differentiates its learning goals for undergraduate, graduate Assessment of student learning extends to all educational offerings, including credit and noncredit certificate programs. Faculty and administrators routinely review the effectiveness and use of the organization's program to assess student learning.
3a Student Learning Assessment student learning Multiple levels Course Program Institutional Faculty defining expected student learning outcomes and creating outcome strategies
3.a The organization provides a environment that supports all learners and respects the diversity they bring. Examples ? Organization ensures access to the resources Laboratories Libraries
3a. (cont.) Organization supports students, staff, and faculty in using technology Cutting edge CA classes Staff Workshops
Faculty Evaluation Faculty Evaluation Forms Classroom Evaluation Self-Evaluation Student Evaluation Combine Evaluation Teaching Objectives Performance goals
Thoughts Who are the Stakeholders in this Process? It is everyone role Take a pro-active role Be goal and objective driven The past is yesterday