Mrs. Yeates Class Classroom Newsletter February 17, 2017 Dates to Remember -Feb. 20th- NO SCHOOL -Feb. 21st- Report Cards Issued -March 4th – Las Vegas Night in Bradley Theme: Next week we will be discussing weather and its effects. We will be conducting many weather experiments in class. Classroom News What a fun week of learning about all of our “Community Helpers”. Each day we brainstormed people who help us in our community. Then various students would dress up as that helper as we talked about what equipment each occupation needed to be successful. Then when the students went to play at their “free choice” centers they were able to dress up and act out being that occupation. Check out your child’s “Community Helper” book they made in class. They enjoyed a visit from the mailman, Mr. Yeates, who delivered each of them a letter and a coloring book. Then on Friday, Mrs. Miller, a nurse came to tell us all about her job. Each student was able to listen to their heartbeat with her stethoscope. We would like to say a big “THANK YOU” to Mr. Yeates and Mrs. Miller for taking time out of their schedule to come in and share with us. Journals- In your child’s “Take Home Folder” you will find their Journal since the beginning of the year. This is yours to keep. As you look at each page you should see a date at the bottom. It’s exciting to see the progress they have made in their writing/drawing skills since the beginning of the year. You will also receive an “End of the Year” journal. This is where you will see a phenomenal amount of growth!!! Enjoy! “Funny Fridays”- We have declared Fridays to be “Funny Fridays” in Pre-K. To break up the winter monotony, we are sharing jokes with each other. If your child chooses to they can bring in a joke on Friday or simply memorize the joke and share it with us on Friday. Poem over weekend:”Pat-A-Cake” “Cookie The Bear” Nolan Saathoff gets to be a friend to Cookie the Bear this weekend. Keep him safe!!! Letter of week: “Yy” Number of week: #19 Theme: Weather Color of Week: Review Shape: Hexagon Sight Word: play
What We’re Learning Next Week Other Information Here Spelling Words What We’re Learning Next Week Reading: Spelling/Phonics: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other Information Here Lunch Menu Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: