New Web site--- InterActions Meeting--- October 2006 Report from Cornell CLEO-c & Precision tests of the Standard Model LHC & CMS ILC Projects ERL Light Source CLASSE New Web site---
CLEO-c and Precision Test of the Standard Model A triangle only if there are 3 quark generations Precision depends both on experimental and theoretical uncertainties
CLEO-c: Tests of the Standard Model and QCD CLEO-c goals: Significant improvement of Charm measurements to constrain the Standard Model. PDG = present accuracy Test of LQCD (Lattice QCD): Necessary to give theory constraints for precision tests of the Standard Model Present results from CLEO-c with fraction of expected data
CLEO-c Impact on the Unitarity Triangle Now: Theory uncertainties dominate With few % theory & experimental errors made possible by CLEO-c and 500 fb-1 each from the B factories:
Cornell LHC Involvemernt Cornell now fully involved as part of CMS CMS Involvement in: Inner pixel detector Software development Electro-magnetic calorimeter simulations Trigger development LHC Maury Tigner --- Chair of LHC Machine Advisory Comm.
ILC Involvement Accelerator projects (see next slide) Detector development--- TPC tracking chamber Physics studies--- Dark Matter detection Management: Maury Tigner -- Chair of LCSGA (Linear Collider Steering Group of the Americas) Gerry Dugan– North American Regional Director of ILC GDE Ritchie Patterson– World Wide Study: Detector and Physics arm of GDE, ILC Communications subcommittee Mark Palmer– Americas Regional Team, S3 task force with responsibility for damping rings Hasan Padamsee– Americas Regional Team, Global R&D Board, Co-chair of S2 task force Mericas RA
ILC Tracking Simulations ILC Accelerator Projects Damping Ring Studies CESR is currently the highest energy wiggler-dominated storage ring in the world, and operates at energies very close to those of LC damping rings (a few GeV). After it shuts down for HEP, running time will be equally shared between CHESS and ILC damping ring studies. Students Contribute to ILC Damping Ring Studies at Cornell (ILC NewsLine) RF Cavity Technology In May 2006, after undergoing a buffered chemical polishing (BCP) treatment at Cornell University, the first US purchased, processed and tested International Linear Collider superconducting cavity achieved a milestone accelerating gradient of 26 MV/m (megavolts per meter). The design goal is 35 MV/m. This accomplishment was a first test for the US facilities for ILC. ILC Tracking Simulations Working with Cornell HEP faculty, the group aims to simulate the tracking of the beam from the source to the collision point. Positron Source Studies Including Polarized beams
Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) New Synchrotron Light Source ERL properties: * ☼ 100-1000 times brighter than any existing synchrotron light source * 100 mamp average current * 1300 Mhz pulse rate with 2 psec(10-12 sec) pulse width (plan to compress to 0.1 psec width) * Superconducting RF accelerating cavities ERL Funding (prototype) NSF --- $18 Million Cornell--- $10 Million NY State--- $12 Million Making his second visit to the Cornell campus in a week, New York Gov. George Pataki again brought funding, this time $12 million for preliminary work on the proposed Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) Full funding $400 Million in Spring 2008
ERL Prototype Successfully Tested 500-750 kV Photoemission Gun View from beam dump to gun Test beam successfully brought from gun to beamdump Gun operating voltage was 250 kV Gun current only several μ-amp due to low power laser View from gun to beam dump