NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Project Title: The Challenges of Utilizing Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrologic Applications Project team: S. Sorooshian (, K. Hsu (, B. Imam, (, X. Gao (; P. Arkin ( and E. Amitai ( Science issue: How to reduce uncertainty of fine time scale multiple satellite precipitation observations for long-term climate studies? How to Integrate multiple satellite precipitation estimates for basin scale hydrologic applications? Approach: Downscaling of GPCP 2.5o-monthly precipitation product to 0.25o & hourly scale using recently developed high resolution precipitation products (HRPP), Quantifying the quality of multiple satellite precipitation estimates at basin scales, Effective merging of multiple satellite precipitation estimates for the catchment scale hydrologic modeling of remote regions. Satellite-based data: GPCP, TRMM TMPA, PERSIANN, and CMORPH precipitation estimates. Other data: ARM, CEOP, USGS and Global Runoff Data Models: PERSIANN, Data Merging Model, and NWS SAC- SMA hydrologic model. Study Particulars: 2000-2007, hourly, 3-hour, daily, and monthly time resolution. Project status: Year 3 (now): Investigate the 2006 drought and 2007 flood events at the SGP, Develop bias adjustment approach of satellite precipitation, Improve fine time scale satellite precipitation estimation using GEO & LEO satellite information, Evaluate high resolution precipitation products. Year 4-5: Investigate the reliability of multiple precipitation estimation for remote region hydrologic studies; Use PERSIANN precipitation for the evaluation of climate extreme events. NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Hoffman/Adler – GPCP monthly precipitation, TRMM MPA estimates Arkin/Xie/Joyce: CMAP, CMORPH Dai/Trenberth/Maurer: Global basin river discharge Rodell – precipitation data for GLDAS data assimilation Peters-Lidard – precipitation data for LIS data assimilation Discussion with Adler & Huffman for integration of precipitation estimates (CMORPH, PERSIANN, and TMPA) Contribute to the GEWEX GRP GPCP and CGMS IPWG programs Contribute to the NASA PMM and UNESCO G-WADI programs Major Result to go in lower left side: Figures should not be too complex or busy – this example is probably the limit of acceptable complexity. Project status: Year 1-2 Collect and evaluate hourly to monthly scale PERSIANN precipitation measurement for catchment scale hydrologic simulation; Evaluate multiple satellite precipitation measurements; and Investigate bias correction of multiple precipitation estimates.