International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Sportaccord, Lausanne, 19.05.2004 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Subject “Harmonising Interests – Relationships with Federations, Leagues, Governments, Organisers and Athletes” 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Problems & Risks Lack of balance between forces Lack of stability & continuity Absence of recognized entities split between professional sport and federation "unfriendly take-over" 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Players Teams (AIGCP = Ass. Int. Groupes Sportifs Cyclistes Professionnels) Athletes (CPA = Cyclistes Professionnels Associés) Organizers (AIOCC = Ass. Int. des Organisateurs de Courses Cyclistes) 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Mission Non profit organization, controlled by the sport, not by the economy Develop and govern the sport 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
Professional Cycling Council : structure 12 members UCI Vittorio Adorni (President) Felice Gimondi Claude Jacquat Olaf Ludwig Charly Mottet Jim Ochowicz AIGCP Manolo Saiz Walter Godefroot CPA Francesco Moser Miguel Indurain AIOCC Jean-Marie Leblanc Carmine Castellano 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
Professional Cycling Council : mission Delegation of the UCI Management Committee for the administration (not ruling) of professional cycling. The UCI Executive Committee has a right of veto The PCC has no jurisdiction over : Discipline Anti-doping – medical monitoring World Championships – Olympic Games 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
Professional Cycling Council : operations Work Groups - Rider – team relations - Safety - Ranking - Calendar and classification - TV, marketing and promotion - Public relations - Technical regulations Administration Professional Cycling Department at the UCI headquarters 1 manager + 1 assistant 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling
International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling Achievement The UCI has developed a structure in which There is no domination from one group Unfriendly take-overs are difficult Therefore guaranteeing stability, equity and neutrality. 19.05.2004 International Cycling Union & Professional Road Cycling