Solving the Math Problem!
hello! I am Jeff Mikols. I am the Executive Director of Mathematics. You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE 585-490-2059 MOBILE
The Mathematical Mindset 15 minutes
The Learning Targets I can support my teachers’ use of data and student work for planning. I can support my teachers’ understanding of the standards to plan more effective lessons. I can support my teachers to provide actionable feedback on student work . 17 minutes
Accessing NYS Data from Data Notebook elearning Castle Learning Data Analysis Core Instruction Intervention 20 minutes
Supporting the planning process
Algebra 1-Module 1, TOPICS C and D
NYS Regents testing Guides Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra II 24 minutes
Let’s Do the Math!
What Do You Notice and Wonder? MC DAta 31 minutes
A.CED.3 43
What Do You Notice and Wonder? Constructed response 47
A.CED.1 57
Using Student Work to Provide Actionable feedback NYS REGENTS EXAMS AND SCORING GUIDES
Based on what you have seen on the data and tasks, what are things you would talk about in terms of the students gaps and strengths as teachers begin to plan? What would you do to clarify the misconceptions? You are now ready to plan instructional activities for the unit.
Accessing NYS Data from WNYRIC elearning Castle Learning Data Analysis Core Instruction Intervention
Protocol for leading planning meeting Identify the desired outcome for students (Look at standards from core instructional resources and NYS Data from WNYRIC) Look at and analyze student data (Look at WNYRIC Reports) Look at and analyze student work (look at student work from released regents exams) Discuss strengths and misconceptions of student work Plan instructional activities to meet desired student outcomes (Look at standards from core instructional resources )
This is what our students are saying about math instruction!
Revised NYS Standards in MAthematics Click HERE to access changes in current standards Summary of Changes K-5 Mainly clarification of language. Very little change to content 7-8 Mainly clarification of language in Grade 7. Very little change to content. Grade 8 clarified types of algebraic solutions to systems of equations and added “glide reflections” to transformational geometry 9-12 Several standards have been moved from one course to another.
Projected Trend Line For Standards and Assessments from NYSED *July 2017: Adoption of Next Generation Standards *2017-2018 School Year: New two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development on Next Generation Standards; 2018-2019 School Year: Two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development continuing on Next Generation Standards; 2019-2020 School Year: Two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development continuing on Next Generation Standards; September 2020: Full implementation of the Next Generation Standards; Spring 2021: New assessments measuring Next Generation Standards.
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You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE thanks! Any questions? You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE 585-490-2059 MOBILE