Washington 21st CCLC Data Collection Webinar Samantha Sniegowski Researcher February 2017 Copyright © 2017 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
Agenda Leading Indicators Survey Administration Other Data Collection/Submission Activities Data Collection/Submission Supports and Resources
Data Collection Activities LI Surveys: February 15 – March 31 APR Report Summer 2016 data May 7- June 7 (state timeline) Report Fall 2016 data June 16 – July 22 (state timeline) Report Spring 2017 data August 1 – November 3 (state timeline) Youth Surveys: April 3 – May 31 Attendee Module: June 5 – July 31
Leading Indicator Survey Administration
Leading Indicator Surveys Used to populate the leading indicator reports Data obtained from federal reporting systems Surveys PQA data Youth outcome data Purpose is to inform quality improvement efforts Leading indicator surveys collect data from two groups: Site coordinators Staff working directly with youth in the delivery of programming
Leading Indicator Survey Timeline Emails to project directors containing a link to the survey management system and a username and password will be sent during the week of February 15th Complete surveys from site coordinators and afterschool program staff are due March 31st
Survey Administration Process Once logged into the Project Director Survey Management page: Ensure the centers listed for a given grant are correct and send any corrections needed to WA21stcclc@air.org Under the name of each center, a survey Web link unique to each center is provided This link needs to be forwarded to the site coordinator for that center When the link is clicked on, the respondent will be asked to create a survey account and then be prompted to take the survey in question Site coordinators and staff will utilize the same link to create a survey account and take the survey for their role in the program You can return to the Project Director Survey Management page to view the completion status of surveys and send email reminders
Staff Selection In addition to the site coordinator, ideally, a minimum of 8 staff per site should be identified per center Staff selected to the survey: Need to spend the majority of their time working directly with youth by leading activities Can be paid or a volunteer Can work for the grantee directly or for a partner organization Can be working in the program or recently ended their participation in the program (e.g., led activities in a previous session that was active at some point in program year) Should work (or did work) in the program at least once a week If there is less than 8 staff at a given center that meet these criteria, then all staff at the center meeting these criteria should be asked to take the survey
Project Director Survey Management Page
Center Coordinator and Staff Login Page Staff asked to complete surveys will need to first create an account
Creating a New Survey Account Completion of this field will determine if staff take the site coordinator or staff survey Clicking the create user button will take the user to either the staff survey or site coordinator management page
Monitoring Survey Completion Project directors can see both: Who has completed a survey account Whether or not they have completed their survey from the Project Director Survey Management page Automated reminders can be sent directly from the Project Director Survey Management Page Project directors are encouraged to monitor the survey process frequently
Other Data Collection Events
APR Data Submission Summer 2016 data submission is on deck ED has not identified any reporting window timelines for the 2016-17 program year State Timelines Report Summer 2016 data May 7- June 7 Report Fall 2016 data June 16 – July 22 Report Spring 2017 data August 1 – November 3 What data elements should I be thinking about? Updates to Grantee and Center Profiles Activities offered Staffing Participation data
Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey Review history, purpose, and goals of the survey Outline data collection process Our goals for today are to: give you an overview of the evaluation and its purposes, as well as the history of the survey to date Outline the overall data collection process and in particular make sure you understand how the online survey management system works Answer your questions about the data collection and address any concerns
Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey Survey was developed by YDEKC in partnership with the Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality over the past two years. Initial pilot test with YDEKC in 2013 – led to revisions Second pilot Spring 2014 – further revisions Spring 2015 - Implemented in all WA 21st CCLC sites Spring 2016 onward – Implementing in all 4-12 grade WA 21st CCLC sites, but with emphasis on surveying students who took the survey last year! Goal is to establish a new measure of young people’s skills and beliefs Measuring things like academic mindset, persistence, school belonging, personal identity, and social and civic values
Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey Each project director will receive: A set of instructions Criteria for selecting young people to survey Parent/guardian passive consent forms So on to the survey process. There is some preparation you will need to do to be ready to start surveys – April 11 – May 31. Each of you should have received by now the instructions for the survey process and the parent/guardian passive consent form. Those forms hopefully went out earlier this week. If you have not distributed them yet, they should go out as soon as possible. You’ll need to give parents and guardians at least 6 days to return the form before you begin surveying. (highlight data collection window and how it works relative to passive consent) Each site should plan to survey as many youth as possible. We asked for 25 youth if possible and more is fine. Young people should have participated in your program at least 30 days since the beginning of the program year in order to take the survey.
Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey Upcoming steps: Distribute consent forms You will receive an email from our survey system with a username and password to access our online system Enter the online system and follow instructions Webinar recording will be available as a guide! Begin surveying Monday, April 3 Complete all surveys by May 31
Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey Plan procedure for administering surveys: When? Where? Group or individual administration? Make list of participants Start with list of students surveyed last year and add to it!
Attendee Module Purpose: Collect participation data on all students who attended program during the program year. Timeline: June 5 – July 31
Attendee Module Types of student data you will need to report: School District Identifier (District ID#) School District Name (Name) School of Attendance Identifier (School ID#) School of Attendance Name (Name) Unique 10-digit Student State Identifier (SSID Number) Student’s Unique District Identifier (Number) (Optional) Student Last Name Student Middle Name or Initial (Optional) Student First Name Student Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY format) Student Grade Level (preset drop-down options) Student Attendance – Summer 2015 (integer value) Student Attendance – Fall 2015 (integer value) Student Attendance – Spring 2016 (integer value) https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/DirectoryEDS.aspx
Attendee Module What can I be doing now? Current List of program enrollees Attendance records are up to date Locate 10-digit Student State Identifier (SSID) for each student Grade Level and DOB too! Identify District and School Building where each student attends school during the regular school day
Data Collection Recap LI Surveys: February 15 – March 31 APR Report Summer 2016 data May 7- June 7 (state timeline) Report Fall 2016 data June 16 – July 22 (state timeline) Report Spring 2017 data August 1 – November 3 (state timeline) Youth Surveys: April 3 – May 31 Attendee Module: June 5 – July 31
Data Collection Resources Webinar Recordings for Data Collection Activities available at: http://www.k12.wa.us/21stCenturyLearning/Evaluations.as px?_sm_au_=iVVQtnSFsjFVFknQ Scroll down to Trainings Leading Indicators Survey: Webinar Date 02/17/2017 Youth Motivation, Engagement, & Beliefs Survey: Webinar Date 04/11/2016 Attendee Module: Webinar Date 06/06/2016 APR Training: Webinar Date 11/24/2015
HelpDesk: WA21stcclc@air.org Samantha Sniegowski 312-690-7371 ssniegowski@air.org 10 S. River Plaza, Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60606-2901 General Information: 312-288-7600 www.air.org