Shaving Below: Male Organ Skin Care


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Presentation transcript:

Shaving Below: Male Organ Skin Care

Obviously, guys like to compare themselves to other guys, and that includes the manhood. Whether it’s a quick glance in the locker room or observations from watching adult images, men like to know how they stack up. And one thing such impromptu surveys indicate is that quite a few guys are into midsection shaving. Whether it’s just keeping the midsection bush neatly trimmed or a full-scale shaving of the member and sacks, more and more men are doing it. And assuming a guy takes proper care, it’s not going to create any male organ care issues. That said, dudes who try shaving want to be sure they take proper steps to protect the delicate male organ skin.male organ care

Start with a trim Guys who have (or have had) a beard know that just taking a razor and hacking away at a thick bush of hair is not the best plan. Before getting down to the actual shaving, a guy should trim down that thick bush of hair to about ¼ inch or so. The best way to do this is to use a pair of scissors. Don’t worry about an even trim; just use it to get the majority of the hair down to a manageable length. Some guys find it awkward to do this standing up. It may be easier to lie down and hold a hand mirror in one hand to help guide along. Men who have grown a significant gut may find lying down helps to expose more of the hair area.

After finishing the bush, use the scissors to carefully trim the hair on the sacks and shaft. Again, at this point a guy is not trying to get shaved down to the skin – just cutting down long hairs that might get caught in a razor and cause an uncomfortable tugging. Again, trimming here can put a guy in awkward positions; using mirrors to see what is what is very helpful.

Pre-soak After the hair is trimmed to a manageable length, pre-soak the areas to be shaved using warm soap and water. Some men prefer to shave in the shower or bathtub, which has the advantage of keeping the skin moist as he goes along. Since male organ skin is delicate, this is especially recommended.

Lather up Member skin can be very sensitive, but in most cases uses shaving cream rather than soapy lather is better. Find shaving cream intended for sensitive skin that does not include harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Prep the male organ and shave carefully There isn’t much hair on the member itself, but what is there can be shaved more easily if the manhood is in a firm state. Be very careful and don’t use a dull razor. For the sacks, using an ice cube or laying them on a cold surface tightens them so that shaving is easier. In both cases, apply as little pressure as possible. Rinse and lather up as necessary to keep the skin smooth and avoid nicks on the manhood and sacks. Take care with the midsection bush, but it is generally not as sensitive as the male organ and sacks.

Take good care after shaving Use a soft towel to pat (not rub) the manhood and surrounding areas dry. Once all is dry, the skin will then need to be re-moisturized. Shaving and washing can deplete the male organ skin of oils that keep it hydrated. Male organ skin responds better after shaving if one uses a first level male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) with excellent moisturizing agents. Look for a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) for best moisturizing results. It also helps if the crème contains a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which helps strengthen the skin by fighting excess free radicals.male organ health crème