Natural Disasters By: Lucía Félix Prieto and Cristina Jiménez Espadas
Earthquakes Vibrations of the Earth or seismic
Drought A disaster when is not rain of a long time
Mudslide The hills became too wet and the soil moves
Emergency Shelter Helper people after or when the natural disaster occur
Flood When the water ocupe all the space. A lot of water
Dam The side of acumulation of water
Famine When there is no food
Evacuation The act of people leave a place because of danger
Blizzard When have a lot of snow
Tsunami Big wave that can destroy towns near the sea
Aftershock A small earthquake after a large one
Avalanche When the snow and ice move quickly down in mountains
Fog Condensed water vapor in cloudlike massing liying close to the ground and limiting visibility
Snow Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes.
Hailstorm A storm during which hail falls
Rainbow An arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum
Forest Fire Uncontrolled combustion of forest fuels
Wind Moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground
Hurricane A severe tropical cyclone