The Secure National Payment Network of Sri Lanka Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay High Level Architecture Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay - Quarterly Volumes & Values - Year 2017 CITS SLIPS CAS CEFTS Volume (Millions) Value (Billions) Q1 14 2,712.70 7 425.06 12 56.42 0.58 43.29 Q2 2,494.19 8 415.62 64.74 0.72 58.41 Q3 13 2,608.19 427.03 68.08 0.91 79.39 TOTAL 39 7,815.08 22 1,267.71 40 189.24 2.21 181.09
Common EFT Switch Payments revolutionized Launched in August, 2015. Currently 23 banks and 06 financial institutions are connected to the Common EFT Switch. Sri Lanka’s only on-line real time interbank EFT system Routing over 200K interbank real-time transactions per month. Popular method of retail payments and customer transfers in the industry. 100% domestic operational guidelines and 100% automated rule based dispute management mechanism. Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay Online Payment Platform (LPOPP) - Facets Customers directly connect to their bank via any channel (Internet, Mobile, ATM or Over the Counter) and make payments via CEFTS Payments are credited real-time on 24 X 7 x 365 basis using CEFTS to the designated LPOPP participant’s bank account. Provides its participants with the required payment confirmation details on a real-time basis Relevant reports and other information to be provided for reconciliation purposes. The transaction fee is only Rs. 50/- irrespective of the value of the payment as opposed to higher transaction fees for pay orders Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay Online Payment Platform (LPOPP) - Connectivity Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay Online Payment Platform (LPOPP) – The Facility e.g. Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay Online Payment Platform (LPOPP) – Member Banks Banks already gone live Sampath Bank Commercial Bank Hatton National Bank Cargill’s Bank Public Bank Amana Bank Other Certified Banks Bank Of Ceylon Peoples Bank Seylan Bank Nations Trust Bank Note: More than 90% of account holders who does Customs Payments would be covered with these Member Banks. Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaPay Online Payment Platform (LPOPP) – Way Forward Sri Lanka Customs Already gone live to collect customs payments via LPOPP. The users are experiencing easy and efficient transacting facility via their bank to clear the goods in an expedited manner. To be connected Department of Inland Revenue (Dec 2017) Dialog Telecom for Bill Presentment and payment (Dec 2017) Foreign Ministry (Jan – Feb 2018) Department of Motor Traffic Department immigration and emigration Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network Cheque Imaging and Truncation System (CITS) Company established in 2002 to take over domestic interbank cheque clearance previously managed by the CBSL. In 2006 Cheque Imaging and Truncation System was introduced to reduce clearance cycle to one business day from 5-7 days. Sri Lanka the 1st in South Asia and 2nd in the world to implement same. 50 M cheques are cleared annually by all licensed commercial banks in system. Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network Common ATM Switch Launched in July, 2013 with all the commercial banks in Sri Lanka. Currently 99.5% ATMs are connected. Sri Lanka’s largest ATM network with over 4,100 ATMs currently interconnected via LankaPay (26 members). Routing over 3.8 million interbank ATM transactions per month. 100% domestic operational guidelines and 100% automated rule based dispute management mechanism Your Trusted Payment Network
Sri Lanka Inter-bank Payment System (SLIPS) Launched in July, 2010 with all banks and most NBFIs in Sri Lanka. An online batch-mode interbank electronic fund transfer system. (26 banks and 18 financial institutes) routing over 28 million transactions a year Moving electronic records rather than paper results in payments being processed much efficiently with advanced security features. 44 Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network USD Online System US Dollar On-line Payment System is an online interbank fund transfer system. Used to carry out interbank US Dollar payments by digitally signed files through LankaClear. Lower per transaction cost for Banks and saves foreign exchange. Enhanced turnaround time and prompt in-time zone settlement Your Trusted Payment Network
JustPay initiative via CEFTS To facilitate retail payments A concept to facilitate secure real-time retail payments upto Rs. 10,000 under extremely low tariff scheme. Allows a customer to make everyday payments using a smart mobile device and his account Highly secure payment mode with two factor authentication and end to end encryption. Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network JustPay Concept LOPP Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network Common POS Switch LankaClear has successfully implemented the system. Currently awaiting regulatory instructions and bank connectivity to Common POS Switch. 100% domestic operational guidelines and 100% automated rule based dispute management mechanism which is in-line to the domestic yet aligning to international best standards. Your Trusted Payment Network
Your Trusted Payment Network National Card Scheme To address lower usage of card based payments in the market and reduce prohibitive cost to banks and NBFIs. To facilitate the introduction of a NCS. LankaPay CPS will route POS transactions initiated via cards of NCS. NCS is important to define and manage the new electronic payment products that will respond to the local market demand. The same cards could be accepted outside Sri Lanka as well Able to define the rules and cost that will best suite Sri Lanka. Your Trusted Payment Network
High Security Standards LankaPay obtained PCI-DSS version 3.2 certification while application is PA – DSS compliant High security standards are adopted (e.g. EMV, 3DES, dynamic key exchanges, IPsec, etc.) Dynamic Key Exchange – the key used to encrypt the PIN and other keys are dynamic. Zone Master Key – changed annually MACing (Message Authentication Code) – Encrypts the entire financial message switch to switch
LankaSign Digital Certification Service Provider (CSP) Sri Lanka's first Certification Service Provider (CSP) in accordance with the Electronic Transaction Act, No.19 of 2006 on May-22-2009. A CSP is an authority on a network that issues and manages security credentials and public -private key pair's for message signing and encryption. LANKASIGN is the only commercially operating CSP in Sri Lanka and is also an ISO 27001:2013 certified CSP in the region. Uses world-class solutions to provide a secure and reliable service Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaSign Digital Certification Service Provider (CSP) Currently LANKASIGN digital certificates are being used by; 44 banking and financial sector organizations for clearing systems operated by LankaClear, Central Bank of Sri Lanka for CITS Online and SLIPS systems Over 100 export oriented organization under the solutions given to Ceylon Chamber of Commerce & National Chamber of Exporters for digitizing the documentation process Central Depository System (CDS) of CSE for digitizing its settlement schedules Your Trusted Payment Network
LankaSign Digital Certification Service Provider (CSP) Future: Automating document sharing by digitally signing electronic copies of documents and provide security for e-document exchange process for all entities. Issue digital certificates in real-time for mobile payment applications for digitally signing and authenticating electronic transactions. A Software Development Kit (SDK) has been developed and freely distributed by LankaClear to integrate digital certificates to mobile apps. Your Trusted Payment Network