Internationella möjligheter/ International possibilities


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Presentation transcript:

Internationella möjligheter/ International possibilities Doktorander/PhD

Innehåll/Contents Internationella möjligheter: introduktion/International possibilities: an introduction Why, what, where Utlandsstudier/Study abroad Praktik/ Intenship Personalfortbildning/Staff training mobility Undervisningsuppdrag/Staff teaching mobility Stipendier att söka/scholarships/grants to apply for Frågor/Questions Fakulteterna sköter den akademiska delen av utbytet, IO har administrativt ansvar för utbytesverksamheten

Internationella möjligheter/ International possibilities Varför/Why Du tjänar högskolepoäng medan du reser/You earn credits while you travel Du lär dig behärska ett nytt språk eller öka kompetensen inom det språk du redan kan/You learn to master a new language or improve skills in the language you already know Du får på plats uppleva olika kulturer och traditioner/You experience different cultures and traditions Du får bättre självförtroende/själv stolthet genom att lära dig ”överleva” i en annan miljö/You increase self confidence/self pride by being able to "survive" in another environment Det ser bra ut i en meritförteckning/It looks good in a CV Du blir självständigare/You become more independent Du förbättrar din kommunikationsfärdighet/You will improve your communications skills Du lär dig uppskatta ditt land/You get a greater appreciation for your country Du blir mer förberedd inför en allt mer globaliserad värld/You will be more prepared for an increasingly globalised world

Linnaeus University in the world About 500 outgoing exchange students each year Some 550 partner universities in more than 60 countries Exchange possibilities for students, doctoral students, researchers/teachers, and administrative staff

Utlandsstudier/Study abroad Utlandsstudier/exchange studies Bilaterala avtal (utanför Europa)/Bilateral agreements (outside EU) Erasmus (inom EU)/Erasmus (within EU) Erasmus grant for studies min. 3 months Application - Exchange of doctoral students has to be negotiated individually

Erasmus+ praktik/internship Erasmus+ (inom EU)/Erasmus (within EU) Could be in an organisation or at a university to do research work, collect data or similar. Erasmus grant for internship min. 2 months The idea with the Erasmus + traineeship scholarship is that it should act as an allowance towards travel, accommodation and other expenses that can arise in connection with your traineeship. The size of the scholarship is determined by the total number of days of your traineeship as well as the daily allowance that applies to the country in which your traineeship is to be carried out. provides an integrated market place that aims at bringing together internship providers and students seeking an internship opportunity abroad

Erasmus+ possibilities for staff Personalfortbildning/staff training mobility (lärare, doktorander och T/A) university, company, organisation, course min. 2 days at the place Undervisningsuppdrag/Staff teaching mobility(lärare och doktorander) partneruniversity min. 8 hours/week up to 8 weeks min. 2 days at the partner university Ansökan fortlöpande, godkännande av chef och mottagande part Bidrag till resa och uppehälle utifrån schablonbelopp (exempelvis 3 dagar på plats + 2 resdagar Island: €1060)

Strategic funds for teacher mobility 2018, first call Lnu strategic funds for an international teaching assignment The funds enable mobility outside outside EU to one of our partner universities . This call concerns mobility between January-August 2018. Deadline for applications is November 22nd 2017. The duration of the exchange must be a minimum of 5 working days up to two weeks. Detailed info about the call at: More info and link to application at: For further information/questions, contact Linus Karlsson at the Office of External Relations.

Swedish Institute, SI - Visbyprogramme For visits in any of the countries included in the SI Baltic Sea Region Cooperation: Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldava, Poland, Russia and Ukraine For the purpose of studies, research, or capacity-building and strengthening of cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region. Minimum one month, maximum one year. Svenska medborgare, eller varit anställda i Sverige i två år.

“Promoting scientific research and education conducted at Linnaeus University and to implement the results in practice” Announces scholarships on two occasions each year (15 October and 15 March). Funds can be sought for a research visit to a university abroad or for participation and presentation at an international research conference (max 10 000 SEK).

More information International possibilities for students Group at medarbetare for internationalization (LNU). Group at medarbetare for internaationalization (FTK)

Contact information International coordinator at the Faculty of Technology: Katarina Rönndahl Elena Vinci-Hytter, (responsible for agreements at the faculty) International Office at LNU: Facebook; International Office, Outbound Exchange Staff mobility: and Grants/scholarships:
