Shakespeare’s Theatre A Brief Explanation
In Shakespeare’s time, most theaters were built around roofless courtyards Therefore, they were performed during the day. The poor stood on the ground; the rich were sat in one of three galleries Theatre Facts
This is where most of Shakespeare’s plays were acted after 1599 Held between 2500 and 3000 people No scenery or settings Actors typically wore their own clothes The Globe Theatre
Color coded flags were used outside to advertise the type of play to be performed – a red flag for a history play, white for a comedy play and black for a tragedy play. A crest above the main entrance to The Globe Theatre was inscribed with motto “Totus mundus agit histrionem” – Latin for “The whole world is a playhouse” The Globe Theatre
The Globe Theatre Most plays lasted two hours Women were not allowed to act; women’s roles were played by young boys – 11, 12, or 13 Very common to interact with players The Globe burnt down in 1613, was rebuilt within the year The Puritans closed all theatres in 1642 and destroyed the Globe in 1644 The Globe Theatre