RtI In Today’s World of Education Andrea Ogonosky, Ph.D.
Alignment, Alignment, Alignment Student Team Process Instruction / Intervention Response
Good RtI Instructional Decisions are Based on: A strong RTI framework Sufficient data collection and documentation Clearly articulated decision-making processes Include grade level collaboration meetings, SAT, and EC for decision-making processes.
The most important aspect of a strong RtI process is the richness of the conversations that occur because of the layers of multiple occurring data sources.
Personal Philosophies DNQ Focus on Tiers 2 and 3 as the solution Challenges Personal Philosophies Resource Allocation Staffing Campus Schedules Teacher Competencies Incorrect Use of Data
The teacher’s influence on student achievement scores is twenty times greater than any other variable, including class size and student poverty.” Fallon (2003)
Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened a Tiered Problem Solving Process 1. Districts had the courage to acknowledge Tier 1 issues and the will to seek solutions. 2. District level leaders accepted responsibility and began seeking solutions. They agreed that all stakeholders in the system needed to be part of the answer. Tier 1 Priority Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened a Tiered Problem Solving Process
Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened Tiered Problem Solving Process 3. Districts committed to long-term efforts (3-5 years- “reboot” and supported innovative practices that challenged the norm. 4. Data systems became the focal points for change. Tier 1 Priority Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened Tiered Problem Solving Process
Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened Tiered Problem Solving Process Tiers 2 &3 1. Instructional interventions are aligned to foundation skill deficits. 2. Multiple data sources are used to monitor progress and diagnose deficits. Learning strategies are aligned to interventions to support Tier 1 instruction Solutions to Reenergize a Weakened Tiered Problem Solving Process
Best Practices Focus on Tier 1 and improving reading instruction. Make data safe. Make data usable for all staff Use of the data is appropriate. Develop new approaches to PD. Increase a model or coaching approach to increase teacher knowledge and effectiveness.
Best Practices Select Instructional tools and strategies that align all tiers of instruction. Monitor all student progress when in a Tier 2/3 instructional intervention (RtI, 504, SPED). Teach student learning strategies to support ongoing Tier1 instruction. Parents are important to the partnership and collaboration of an effective process.
Do not Forget Teams are important to the process. Documentation is important but it should not drive the process. Always use multiple data sources to design a strong plan. The process is not intended to be a referral mechanism for 504, Dyslexia, Special Education. Never use RtI to delay student supports and needs.
Questions Andrea Ogonosky, Ph.D. aogonosky@msn.com 832 656-0398