The Human Eye and Vision Section 5 The Human Eye and Vision
Convex lens Converges light to a focal point Produces a real image that is upside down
Concave lens Diverges light Produces a virtual image that is right side up
The Human Eye You see light through a series of steps that involve the various parts of the eye
The Human Eye Light enters the eye through the pupil The Iris adjusts how much light enters. It passes through the lens where it is focused on the retina. Ciliary muscles adjust the lens to focus it on the retina The image on the retina is sent to the brain by the optic nerve
The Human Eye
The Human Eye Ciliary Muscles Sclera (white of eye) Cornea Retina Iris Choroid (membrane containing blood supply and a dark pigment that reduces reflection of light within the eye) Iris Pupil Lens Blind spot Aqueous humor (clear fluid that maintains shape of front of eye) Blood vessels Vitreous humor (gelatinous filling that maintains eye shape) Optic nerve
Correcting Vision The image falls on the retina in normal vision
Farsightedness The image falls in back of the retina instead of on the retina Can see far away
Correcting Far Sightedness Convex Lens
Near Sightedness The image falls in front of the retina instead of on the retina Can see close up
Correcting Nearsightedness Concave Lens