Mr. Beaton’s D.C 8 class The Inuit By Jennifer UL
Who are the Inuit? They were named “Eskimos” before outsiders started calling them “Inuits” meaning, “people”. Their language is Inuktitut. There are 40,000 Inuit people currently in Canada.
The Inuit’s Origin The Inuit origin is the northern-west of Alaska. They usually lived on the seacoast or the tundra in igloos that they had built somewhere near where they hunt.
How Did the Inuit live? (Did it change according to the seasons?) Daytime= mens hunt. Night time= telling stories about their hunting. The tale that is told after hunting is usually about their hunting.
Representing Culture The Inuit culture are represented in many ways. But they are especially represented by their clothing. There are names for each clothing item and are made out of specific materials. The details will be shown in the next 2-3 slides so listen carefully.
Pictures of Inuit clothing Anoraks Amauti
The Truth… about Parkas… Did You Know? Parkas were actually made by the Inuit. It was a traditional clothing for Inuit to defeat the cold weather in Alaska. The clothing were made more modernly by non- Inuit. But even the Inuit wear the “modern-parkas” for warmth nowadays.
Important & Historic Interactions with the Europeans The Europeans had brought the Inuit iron so they can make harpoon points and knife blades.
What is their Community Like Today? What Issues Do They Face? The Inuit continue to preserve their culture. They still hunt and fish even though food is available in stores.
What Kind of Hierarchy or Government Did They Have Prior to European Interaction? The Inuit did not have a government prior to the European interaction. They lived in groups that were similar to a government.
What Did This Culture Do in Terms of Producing Food? The Inuit men were in charge of the hunting. They ate animals like seals and also ate berries too.
What Did They Traditionally Eat? Are There Any Animals? The Inuit ate lots of animals and plants.
What Was it Like Growing up as a Member of the Inuit? Responsibilities of men and women are very different so they need each other to survive.
What was Their Religion Like? The inuit people believed in Animism. Animism is the religion. Of believing that all living and non living had spirits. They had to respect to the animal who they had killed. Bad weather, hunting and illnesses are blamed on the spirits.
The End!!! Hope you know more about the Inuit.
What does it mean to be a member of the Inuit? Kevin Jennifer Ryan