Compliance Monitoring Early Dismissal 12/9/11 Compliance Monitoring- Corrective Action Re-Evaluations IEP’s Process and other stuff
Re-evaluations NO BLANKS or EMPTY SPACES!!!!! Document is PA state developed and meets IDEA and Chapter 14 requirements Areas out of compliance Section 1-Physical condition, social, or cultural background, and adaptive behavior relevant to the student’s disability and need for special education-Must address each area listed above Section 7-Determining Factors for Reading/Math Instruction and LEP: Boxes must be checked and addressed Conclusions: Disability, Summary of Findings (strengths/needs, present levels including transition and recommendations for IEP team)- CHECK 1 or 2 SUMMARY of sections 1-7 (not cut and paste) Recommendations are not placement decisions: ex: student needs learning support vs. student requires small group instruction in…, SDI’s that work/don’t work
Individualized Education Program (IEP) NO BLANKS or EMPTY SPACES!!!!! Document is PA state developed and meets IDEA and Chapter 14 requirements Areas out of compliance Procedural Safeguards-issued annually and parent must sign receipt on first pg. or document when the safeguards were mailed to the parent Transition: All 3 areas must be addressed in present levels Section IV: Participation in local assessments: Boxes must be checked and accommodations addressed (DRA, AIMSWEB, 4-SIGHT, etc.)
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Section IV/Report of Progress: This last column is to document the student’s progress toward each goal to the parent. It is helpful to write the date when progress will be reported. This page can be duplicated and sent home as the progress reporting instrument along with any attached rubrics/graphs. Report of progress must show measurable acquisition toward the goal This is a Federal requirement Must include narrative/attached graph-DATA DRIVEN Provides current progress towards annual goal(s) Is part of the student’s Special Education Record (MUST provide to IA at annual IEP meeting and is part of the end-of-the-year checklist) Emphasis slide- You should be monitoring progress on goals and if the student’s trend is that they will not meet goal, what are you doing to support instruction and progress on that goal. If you are at the annual IEP reporting on progress and 3 out of the 5 goals are not met, what have you done? Is the instruction not appropriate, is the goal not appropriate. Goals not met should rarely happen. Progress on goals also is not the only criteria for ESY eligibility. Please remember that progress reports have student’s name in header with school year documented
Process/Other stuff Invitations: NO BLANKS or EMPTY SPACES!!!!! Document is PA state developed and meets IDEA and Chapter 14 requirements Areas out of compliance *Demographics: Must issue in advance of IEP/RR meeting (10 days) Must provide options to parents Students of transition age, must have separate invitation Even if parent/student is signing at meeting, must have demographics completely filled out Must list anyone who may potentially attend including agencies If a required team member is not attending, must provide waiver in advance (precluding anything urgent on the day of the meeting). If member is excused must provide input in writing and be listed as such on the signature page Must give parents ample time to respond and have time to request alternate dates by the parent. However, a parent can not request a time after the IEP is due. So make sure that you do not put the parent in the position to rush scheduling a meeting. You can always offer parent attending via phone if they first indicate they are not able to be there in person. If parents are participating over the phone, indicate via phone on the signature page and provide a draft IEP/RR prior to meeting. This is a good practice.
Process/Other stuff NOREPS/PWN: NO BLANKS or EMPTY SPACES!!!!! Document is PA state developed and meets IDEA and Chapter 14 requirements Areas out of compliance *Demographics: Must be completely filled out Placement on NOREP must match IEP
FBA requirement-police called (2008) FBA is required whenever a referral to law enforcement is made by a school entity for students with disabilities Referral to law enforcement includes any time the school calls the police to report the activity of a student with a disability. It is not necessary that the referral result in subsequent charges and/or arrest Best practice suggests that an FBA should include members that have knowledge of the student and interaction with him/her on a regular basis in all environments (SE/Reg. Ed/Admin/Parent) and also include your IA in this process. If a student already has an PBSP in place, updated FBA and PBSP is required (IEP revision noted on IEP cover sheet) (Pattan Q and A, 10/10/08) FBA is to include teachers
Positive Feedback District’s policies are in line with Fed/State Guidelines and include best practices Met SPP target with LRE Overall paperwork commendable (out of 5100 items reviewed in 15 student files 17 items were out ofcomplaince) Restraint process Transition/Indicator 13 Summer Academy options for teachers- professional development