Aerobic and Anaerobic energy systsems
Anaerbic Energy Systems ATP-PC System Lactic Acid System (Anaerboic Glycolysis) ATP-PC System: PC+ADPATP lasts about 10secs as PC (phospho-creatine) stores run out in about 10 secs.
Energy Systems Have enough ATP stored in muscle to produce contractions for about 1-2 secs. This energy is available instantaneously ATP stored – used for energy, yields ADP + PC then PC splits yielding energy that allows ADP to add a PC molecule to form ATP, this repeats until PC stores are depleted
Anaerobic Energy Systems Lactic Acid System (Anaerobic Glycolysis) energy for 10s-3 minutes Glucose+2 ATP 2 Pyruvic Acid +4 ATP with a by-product of lactic acid If energy demands are high, more glucose is broken down and more pyruvate is produced. If not enough O2 in mitochondria (O2 deficit/debt), H+ binds to the pyruvate forming lactic acid As lactic acid builds, it interferes with muscle contraction and muscle stops contracting Once sufficient O2 is obtained (slow down or stop contractions), lactate is cleared and used for energy or converted to glucose.
Aerobic Energy Production Glucose+2 ATP 2 Pyruvic Acid +4 ATP with a by-product of lactic acid If enough O2 is present, H+ binds with O2 to form Acetyl Co A which then enters a series of chemical reactions producing 36 ATP molecules, this can be repeated indefinitely as long as O2 is present (sub-maximal exercise) and glucose is available.
Summary of Energy Systems High Intensity Energy Demands are met –ATP-PC system (10s) - Lactic Acid System ( 10-3minutes) Lower Intensity Exercise (3 minutes and above)- Aerobic Glycolysis Energy systems overlap- any intensity lasting more than 10 minutes is fueled increasingly by the aerobic energy system (aeroboic glycolysis).