Preparations for test of Small Acceptance Vertex Detector (SAVD) on July 2016 P. Staszel Jagiellonian University SPSC meeting, CERN,15 April 2016
There are four main activities carried in parallel 1. Construction of mechanical structure in Krakow 2. Integration of sensors with carbon fiber ladders at IKF Frankfurt – this includes connection of sensors with the FPC using wire bonding 3. Tests and setup of full data read-out system in Krakow 4. Construction and installation of support platform for SAVD in the experimental hall at CERN We also completed sensor radiation hardness test using 30A GeV Pb beam.
STATUS of mechanical construction STATUS of mechanical construction → Material for mechanical elements of SAVD was delivered to the Workshop of IFUJ in Krakow. Manufacturing will start beginning of next week starting from the base plate, C-shapes and ladder holding bars. STATUS of mechanical construction → Material for mechanical elements of SAVD was delivered to the Workshop of IFUJ in Krakow. Manufacturing will start beginning of next week starting from the base plate, C-shapes and ladder holding bars. Drawing of SAVD → The based part of the top cover (made of plexi) will be delivered in 2 weeks form the external company (LaserCraft in Krakow). The cover will be covered with conductive paint. → Front, back windows and side panels will be installed by screwing them to the cover. Gas tightness will be provided by o-rings. The mechanical structure of the detector will be ready for ladder installation on late April.
STATUS of sensor and ladders integration → sensor were delivered to IKF Frankfurt in 2015 and their basic quality and performance were tested. → the whole set of ladders manufactured at CERN were delivered to IKF in February 2016. → Ladders and sensor integration just started at IFK Frankfurt. Some delay due to bad quality of FPC. Second iteration of FPC production is ongoing – expecting good quality cables in 1 week. Ladder installed in precise gluing tool in IKF. The Ladder is installed in the tool using special ruby ball system. Same system will be used for ladder installation in SAVD (technology imported from ALICE)
Recent good news form IKF: first sensor successfully bonded to FPC !!! (Michal Koziel)
STATUS of DAQ → DAQ system tested during November test in 2015. → The SAVD DAQ system will be composed of following elements: 2 TRBv3 boards (already under test in Krakow) 8 Converter Boards (CB) 10 Front-End Boards (FEB) Production of CB and FEB were ordered from IFK. Delivery to Krakow expected on beginning of May
STATUS of support platform Picture of SAVD support platform made in workshop at CERN → the platform will allow for x-z positioning of SAVD. → ready for installation in the experimental area.