Favelas What is a favela? A favela is a slum or shantytown in Brazil located usually on the outskirts of large cities. Currently, there are about 1,000 total favelas in Brazil.
History Late 19th century, slavery was ended. Former slaves moved to the city in search of work and housing. Rio de Janeiro’s elite had tenement housing demolished. These homeless people had no choice but to build their own housing in the hills outside of Rio.
Characteristics of Favelas Population density 4,000 people per square kilometer in Rio. 37,000 people per square kilometer in surrounding favelas. Why might that be a problem?
Characteristics Crowded. Many do not have sewer systems. Fresh water is limited. Electricity is available only in certain areas. The houses themselves are often made of scraps of wood and sheet metal. –Some eventually are made sturdier. Disease and illness spreads easily.
Gangs in favelas Drug trafficking gangs have taken over most of the major favelas, often causing turmoil and violence. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/drastic- efforts-clean-gangs-violence-drugs-rio-de- 20581687