MYSTERY PICTURE Who is right? How do you decide? Open your group’s mystery picture envelope. Allow everyone in the group to look at the picture, but do not let other groups see it. With your group, come up with three adjectives to describe what kind of leader Andrew Jackson was. Why are the descriptions so different? Click to add “why are the descriptions so different?” Write adjectives on board? Is it possible? If not maybe in word --
Investigation Question: Was Andrew Jackson a hero? Or a Villain?? LEARNING TARGETS Investigation Question: Was Andrew Jackson a hero? Or a Villain?? I will be able to explain the impacts of the election of Andrew Jackson. 8.5F I will be able to identify points of view surrounding Andrew Jackson’s presidency. 8.29D I will support my own point of view on whether Andrew Jackson was a hero or a villain, using evidence from primary sources. 8.29E “The mystery picture has led us into our learning objectives for today’s lesson.” “We will accomplish these goals by answering conducting an investigation. Our investigation question is… “
What makes a political leader a hero or a villain? Works for the common good Protects the people Upholds the laws Justice for all Practices fairness Does not abuse their power Selfish Punishes those who disagree or are different Oppresses different groups of people Does not follow the laws or enforce the laws Is unfair or unjust Too powerful or too controlling “Before we can decide whether Andrew Jackson was a hero or villain, we need to establish what makes a political leader a hero or villain.” T-Chart handout - Have circle top three to them. “Keep these characteristics in mind as we investigate Andrew Jackson.”
Let’s complete document A together.
Document Hero or Villain?? Evidence Doc A □ Hero □ Villain Evidence/Quote from document: Summary Statement: Document ___ supports the claim that Andrew Jackson was a hero/villain because…
HISTORICAL INQUIRY WORK TIME Thinking Questions What is the document generally about? Who wrote it? Who is the intended audience? What point of view is presented? How might the author be biased? HISTORICAL INQUIRY WORK TIME With your group, take turns who reads each document. Together, discuss these thinking questions. Then, using the content frame, fill in your notes. As a group, get through as many possible in X amount of time. It is okay if you don’t get to all of them today.
WHAT’S THE VERDICT? Based on what you know so far from your investigation, go back to your hero/villain characteristics and think about how you would describe Andrew Jackson. It is okay if they did not finish
Question: Based on your evidence, was Andrew Jackson a hero or a villain? Signal: Give me a “thinker’s chin” when you can complete this stem and are ready to share - Stem: Andrew Jackson was a hero/villain because… Share: Find a partner and stand back to back. Assess: Cold Call “Share with a partner” Wait for 100% QSSSA
PRODUCT/PROCESSING STUDENT CHOICE! You will choose between the two following assignments for your product. “You are going to be able to share your interpretation of Andrew Jackson by creating a product. You will be able to choose between the following -
Was Andrew Jackson a hero or a villain? ACES Writing Strategy CHOICE 1 A - Assertion “Andrew Jackson was a hero/villain.” C – Cite your evidence (at least 2 documents!) “For example…” E – Explain reasoning (opinion) “This proves… because…” S – Summarize your thoughts “As a result…” Was Andrew Jackson a hero or a villain?
Andrew Jackson - Tombstone CHOICE 2 Andrew Jackson - Tombstone You have been commissioned by the Tennessee Historical Society to recreate Andrew Jackson’s tombstone, in honor of the 185th anniversary of his first year in office. You will need to create an inscription for the tombstone that describes your interpretation of Andrew Jackson and his actions.
EXIT QUESTION Which statement most accurately describes Andrew Jackson’s policy towards American Indians during his Presidency? American Indians were paid a fair price for all lands taken from them by the federal government. American Indians in the Southeast were removed from their tribal lands and forced to relocate west of the Mississippi River. American Indians who chose to do so were granted immediate U.S. citizenship. American Indians were encouraged to move to American cities and to take jobs alongside other American workers.
Complete the Exit Slip on an index card Complete the Exit Slip on an index card. Turn it in as you walk out the door. Have a great day!