MERCHANT MARINER CREDENTIALING Captain Jeffrey Novotny Commanding Officer USCG National Maritime Center
Processing Performance To Date: Average OPT: 41.5 Days Average NPT: 14.8 Days
An average day at the NMC Applications: Received: 283 Awaiting Info: 199 Approved to test: 47 Denied: 15 Safety & Suitability: 222 Credentials Produced: 278 Website Hits: 4442 CSC Phone Calls: 1021 IASKNMC E-mails: 378 Auto-generated E-mails: 2203 Course/Instructor/DE Approvals: 43 Course Audits: 3 Exams/Modules Given: 70/136
National Maritime Center’s Website: Updates are made daily regarding content. Please feel free to use our feedback feature to help us improve our website! Transitioning Military Members - MERPAC Q-#10) Process Updates/Website data (FAQs/AI) MERPAC Q #13 MODEL COURSE/WEBSITE - MERPAC questions (#4 )
STCW Regulatory Project Overview The NMC: Is working closely with HQ elements on all aspects of implementation Is assisting HQ with supporting policy Has completed IT and hardware preparation to issue medical certificates Has created new and revised procedures, work instructions, & checklists Has created new training for evaluators The published SNPRM, public comments and related materials, as well as the Final Rule (when available) may be viewed online at:, docket number USCG-2004-17914. Forms update MERPAC (See Q #3 & #14)
QUESTIONS Captain Jeffrey Novotny Commanding Officer USCG National Maritime Center 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662)