They were like grizzly bears Chief Joseph We were like deer. They were like grizzly bears
What was the Permanent Indian Frontier?
Lewis and Clark
Why was it so difficult for Plains Indians to find shelter on the Great Plains? Why was the tipi such a suitable shelter?
The Plains Indians hunted buffalo and used the hides to make tipis. Each tipi could be folded down into a sledge. This was known as a travois
What can we learn from this source about Plains Indian life? (4 marks)
Colonel Dodge Hang on one cotton-picking minute! This photograph is a modern reconstruction. I actually visited a Plains Indian camp Read my brilliant book to find out the real story Colonel Dodge
The home of the Plains Indians is fifteen feet high and measures about 12 feet across. It is decorated on the outside with pictures to celebrate the tribe’s success in hunting and warfare. The fire is built in the centre and some of the smoke escapes through an opening at the top. However, the design is not very effective. In cold weather the tipi is usually full of smoke and this is unbearable for visitors. The tipi is well suited to the everyday needs of the Plains Indians. The conical shape withstands the strong winds on the Great Plains. Even in the coldest weather the tipi can be kept warm with just a little fuel created from buffalo dung. The beds are made from buffalo fur and these are used as seats during the day. Sometimes there are eight or ten people in a tipi from three or four different families. Since the cooking, eating, living and sleeping are all done in one room, it soon becomes unbearable filthy. Based on a book written by Colonel Dodge, a US army officer
What can we learn from this source about the social structure of the tribe? (4 marks)
What can we learn from this source about buffalo hunting? (4 marks)
Land and Nature
This would be a 12-mark question in an exam Why was there a clash of cultures between white settlers and Plains Indians on the Great Plains? This would be a 12-mark question in an exam
Please note that this question asks you to combine two concepts Practice GCSE Question: Describe Plains Indian beliefs about warfare (9 marks) Please note that this question asks you to combine two concepts
What can we learn from this source about the role of the medicine man? (4 marks)
Picture from a GCSE textbook The Sun Dance Picture from a GCSE textbook Black Elk Speaks (1974) The next day the dancing began, and those who were going to take part were ready, for they had been fasting and purifying themselves in the sweat lodges and praying. First their bodies were painted by the holy men. Then each would lay down beneath a tree as though he were dead, and the holy man would cut a place in his back or chest
If they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung Little Crow’s War If they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung
What can we learn from this source about the impact of the US army on Plains Indian culture? (4 marks) Little Crow’s War 1861