Total Eclipse 2017
What is an eclipse? An eclipse occurs when one heavenly body (like the moon) moves into the shadow of another.
Lunar Solar There are two types of eclipses. Do you know what they are? Lunar Solar
Lunar Eclipses Lunar eclipses occur when the earth is directly between the moon and sun There are partial and total lunar eclipses Lunar eclipses occur about twice a year.
Lunar eclipses are completely safe to view with the naked eye.
Solar Eclipses These occur when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun. The moon casts its shadow on the Earth.
Types of Solar Eclipses There are three types of solar eclipses Annular Partial Total
Annular Eclipse During an annular eclipse the moon is very far away from the earth. This means that the moon only blocks a part of the sun.
Partial Eclipse These eclipses happen when the moon, sun, and Earth are imperfectly aligned. Only a small part of a shadow appears on the sun.
Total eclipse A total eclipse happens when the sun, moon, and Earth are in perfect alignment. These are only visible on a small area of the Earth. People in the middle of the moon’s shadow path experience totality. This is complete darkness.
It is NEVER safe to look at any solar eclipse directly! IMPORTANT!! It is NEVER safe to look at any solar eclipse directly! It can cause permanent damage to your eyes. Don’t let the eclipse be the final thing you ever see.
Total Eclipse 2017 On August 21st, 2017 all of North America will experience a solar eclipse. Parts of South Carolina are directly in the moon’s path and will experience totality. Solar eclipses only last a few minutes.
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Assignment Think about how you might explain eclipses to a younger relative or neighbor. Choose an assignment: Write a paragraph or two explaining eclipses. or Illustrate your concept of eclipses.