Total Solar Eclipse States within the eclipse’s path of totality will see the sun completely covered by the moon, making the sun’s corona visible. This is the first solar eclipse in 38 years, the next one will be in 2024 but you will have to travel farther to see it. Seize the opportunity to experience and discuss this very rare phenomenon. Eclipses are ever changing events as the celestial bodies that cause them are in constant (although small) motion. The moon is slowly moving away from Earth.
Total vs. Partial Solar Eclipse You must be in the path of the totality (see map link in later slide) or you will experience a partial eclipse on 21 August
Total Solar Eclipses Are Scientifically Important Observations made during eclipses (actually of any kind but especially total) have been important for many branches of science. After the discussion of the next few slides see what other discoveries are linked to eclipse observations by doing your own research. Next slide: 1919 total eclipse. note the curved light to the left of corona. This observation made Einstein a celebrity. It provided evidence for the theory of general relativity Observations listed on the slide after the 1919 eclipse are a sample of important scientific advancements. Note that He (helium) was discovered using spectrophotometric observations made during the 1868 total eclipse.
Read this article on the science being done during the eclipse.
Your Total Solar Eclipse Experience Solar filters (not polarized sunglasses actual solar filters) MUST be used when viewing all phases of the eclipse except totality (won’t happen in Tuscaloosa). Totality is only when the sun is completely covered by the moon. Use the interactive google map to determine conditions where you will be viewing. html The following slides have general information for viewing but focus on information for the totality in TN (directly north of us and likely your closest option for viewing the totality).
Your Total Solar Eclipse Experience Before totality “One of my favorite things is to watch the shadow approach,” said Gordon Emslie, an astronomy professor at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green who has seen 10 total eclipses. “Seeing this dark band racing across the Earth’s surface at 1,600 miles an hour is pretty amazing.” Shadow bands - thin striations of light and shadow move across the ground; scientists don’t know what causes them but suspect it has to do with the atmosphere refracting light. 360o sunset – you are looking out from the moon’s shadow to where the eclipse is partial Baily’s Beads – as totality approaches flashes of light along the circumference of the moon because it has mountains and valleys that light will be passing through as it rotates
Your Total Solar Eclipse Experience During totality Corona – the photosphere will be covered by the moon so you will be able to see the corona of the sun, the vast expanse of super-hot gas held in place by the sun’s powerful magnetic field Planets and stars – beginning about 15 minutes before totality actually but many more during totality
Position of 4 planets visible during totality as seen from Nashville TN