Club Council Board of Directors workshop How to plan a fundraiser
Workshop Overview Deciding how to and what to fundraise Planning your fundraising event Types of fundraisers
Fundraising Overview Think about what you want to do- Brainstorm: How much do you need to raise? Why do you want to raise the funds? What are you willing to do (how much time can you and others commit?) Are your ideas in line with your club goals? Compare effort vs. outcome
How to Compare Effort vs. Outcome Spring 2015 Committee Goals Committee Name: ____________________________________________ Committee Meeting Date: ____ / ____ / 2015 Write goals without deadline attached. (Ex. “To increase connectivity among Senators”) Goal # 1 Goal # 2 Goal # 3 Goal # 4 Goal # 5 Goal # 6 Goal # 7 Goal # 8 Goal # 9 Goal # 10
Spring 2015 Committee Goals Committee Name: ____________________________________________ Rank each of your goals on a scale of 1-6 for Impact and 1-6 for Effort. 1 is low and 6 is high. Impact Effort Goal # 1 Goal # 2 Goal # 3 Goal # 4 Goal # 5 Goal # 6 Goal # 7 Goal # 8 Goal # 9 Goal # 10
Sample Action Priority Matrix
How to Plan Your Fundraiser All on and off campus events, programs, community service and travel will be entered as an “Event” in your RoyalSync portal. All “events” must be pre- approved by the club coordinator Submit deadline- one week to 10 days before your event (4 weeks prior if event is off campus and requires a waiver or you have a contract) If needed, make an appointment with club coordinator to discuss See Club Tip #004
Other things to consider Do you need a RoyalCard POS Reader for swipe purchases? If you are printing t-shirts or other apparel the design must be approved by the club office Room set up- If your fundraiser is an event on campus will you need to submit a work order and an OIT request (for technology) If your fundraiser involves a speaker or contract the contract will need to be submitted to the club office for review by General Counsel 4 weeks prior to event date
Other Things to Consider Table sits- email club coordinator to book, if need POS (Point of Sale) reader you must also enter the table sit on your RoyalSync event RoyalCard POS reader (NOT attendance reader)- 1 week in advance
Selling Your Event Your event is your product Promote, Promote, Promote Know your target audience Don’t wait until the last minute
Tips for Promoting Events Choose reasonable times- is your event a daytime, evening or Late Night event? Giveaways and food work! Research shows that “active” events are the most popular But…Plan something that YOU would like to do Collaborate- seek out help from other clubs, offices for funding and/or help When planning your event check the calendar in advance, do not plan events for busy academic or social weeks Motivate Members- make it a bonding activity
Platforms For Promoting Your Event Royal Sync Newspost, Banners, Event images and descriptions, #Royalweekends, Messaging Social Media Platforms Club social media, tag @uofsclubs The Aquinas Contact week before issue (or sooner) Table Sits Request in your RoyalSync event or email Flyers Print 130 (90 for residence halls, 40 for campus) Alumni I-Tower Email
Social Media Tips Assign one member to monitor social media Make a calendar of events so you know when to post Use Hootsuite to schedule posts! Keep it short Include all the information Club Time and date of event Use action words Include pictures Post Often Use hash tags
Types of Fundraisers Date auction: Ask local restaurants and movie theaters to donate gift certificates or packages for a date. Then auction off team members for dates. College events can hold their auction at a pep rally or in a well-known place on campus and can make big $$ by getting the campus’ favorite sports team to be the auctioned prize. Money made from each person can either go to their individual total or into the general team total. Pom Poms: These can be imprinted with your school or team name and can be obtained for well under $1.00 each. Custom imprinted pom poms are crowd favorites and look great in the stands. Fans feel more comfortable cheering on their team when they have some kind of spirit item such as pom poms. Spirit Towels: Spirit towels are classic stadium items to show team spirit. They have a large imprint area and are great to wave around while cheering. Sell Gift Wrap: While selling gift-wrap works best during the Christmas season, you can sell gift wrap at any time of the year, because people need gift- wrap for birthdays, anniversaries, and other gift-giving events. You are providing a needed commodity to people instead of just selling products that they may not need but feel obligated to buy since the money is going to a good cause. If you can time the event to fall around Christmas time, you can add selling Christmas cards to this list to raise additional funds. Sell T-shirts: T-shirts can be sold at any time of the year. If you find a printer who can offer you a reduced price to purchase the t-shirts in bulk, your club can stand to make a great deal of money. (Just be sure to have the club and organization office approve the saying on your t-shirt!) Fifty-Fifty Raffle: A fifty-fifty raffle is one in which you sell tickets, usually for $1 each, and then keep half of the proceeds for your club. Half of the money you raise becomes the prize. People in general like the idea of a cash prize OR go the extra distance of asking a local business to donate a prize. Sell the tickets to club members, their families and friends and people in the community who may be interested in helping your club. College Bowl: A college bowl can also be a good source of funding. Charge a registration fee for each team and then run a single or double elimination quiz bowl using donated prizes. You can also charge admission for the audience, and even sell raffle tickets to the audience members as well for additional donated prizes, or for a portion of the proceeds from the raffle tickets themselves. Questions can be mined from trivia games, or created from academic standards at the school in question. They can even be questions from SAT prep study guides and the like.
University Advancement Opportunity Fundraising letter Letters can be sent once each fall and spring semester
Click here to access University Advancement Club Fundraising guide
University Advancement Contact information Ashley Alt, Director of Annual Giving Pam Gavin, Coordinator of Annual Giving (570)941-6497
Think About Seeking Sponsorships Think about it for specific events Provide sponsors with incentives Seek out more than one Have them sponsor a specific aspect i.e. stationary etc.
Diversity Initiative Available to any campus group, dept. or individual Promote diversity through inclusive pedagogies, educational opportunities, multicultural activities and community outreach programs Student applicants must have an employee sponsor Grant up to $2,500 Guidelines Application