Welcome to Back to School Night September 9, 2014 4th Grade Mrs. Engel Mrs. Taylor Ms. Purcher Mrs. King Mrs. Moreira 4th Grade
Tonight’s Agenda Discussion of Curriculum -Literacy -Math -Science -Social Studies Other Information -Sign Up For Conference Time -Classroom Management -Homework & Tests -Extra Help -New York State Exams -Field Trip – Brookhaven National Lab January 7th or 8th
Literacy Framework Reading Workshop: Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners Writing Workshop: Craft and Convention Mini-Lessons, Guided Writing, Poetry & Conferencing Word Study: Spelling, Editing, Grammar, Vocabulary, Word Work
Math Curriculum NYS Unit of study Numeration & Place Value Rounding/Estimating Multiplication Facts (1 & 2 digits) Geometry Fractions/Decimals Measurement Problem Solving
Science Curriculum Exciting new science program from Science Fusion. Info to follow!
Social Studies Curriculum Booklets by chapter with all notes & study guide The Study of New York Geography Native Americans & Explorers Colonists The Formation of the U.S. Revolutionary War The Constitution Government
Assessment Students are given notes in all subjects. Open notebook quizzes will be given from time to time (announced and unannounced) so keeping a neat and organized notebook is crucial. Students should study all notes that are given in class on a daily basis. All tests and quizzes are to be signed and returned the next day. Spelling tests are given within Reading Workshop. Math quizzes are given often and will be announced as well as unannounced. Math chapter and unit tests will be announced.
Homework Students should write in their planner and check off the homework upon completion. Math homework is given approximately 4 nights per week. Each teacher will explain reading log expectations for her classroom. Notes given in class should be reviewed each night.
Basic Expectations of a 4th Grade Student Comes to school prepared Completes all assignments on time Follows directions Keeps desk neat and study material organized Is responsible for all classroom books brought between school and home Studies on a regular basis and not only the night before a test Participates in lessons and discussions Remains on task, using time productively Remains silent during reading and writing periods Asks for help when needed Respects peers and their property Writes homework and test schedule in planner every day independently Makes up work and notes missed during times not in the classroom due to lessons, absences, lateness, etc. Walks quietly in hallways without disturbing others Has multiplication facts memorized upon entering 4th grade
Classroom Management and Other Information Rewards Extra Help (Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 8:45) Breakfast is available for all students after 9:00 Boxtops New York State Exams: ELA-April 14-16, Math-April 22-24, and Science Written-June 1. °Back-to-school BBQ Fri. 9/19 5:30-8:00pm °Picture Day October 1st °Safe Halloween Weds. 10/29 5:30-6:30pm °Parent conferences: evenings of 12/4 (6-8) and 12/11 (5:30-8:30) and day conferences on 12/5
Contact Information email: lengel@pmschools.org jtaylor@pmschools.org jpurcher@pmschools.org jmoreira@pmschools.org drking@pmschools.org **We check email daily and it is an easy way of communicating. We look forward to working with you to ensure your child has a wonderful year.