2017 Team Discovery
Homework Agenda Planner Students are given an agenda planner on the first day of school It is expected that students bring their agenda to each class every day to copy their homework, assignments, and upcoming tests Average 70 minutes per night This includes nightly reading, long-term assignments, studying, organizing materials, and daily homework assignments
Homeroom and Resource Activity (RA) • Attendance • Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence • Announcements • Turn in absent notes 8:15-8:45 Resource Activity (RA): • Band, Chorus, Orchestra • Join Clubs • Channel One News • Study/Read • Library – check out and return books • Meet with a teacher to make up work or get extra help
What should your student do if he/she is absent? Email the teachers or contact a buddy to find out what was missed Bring an absent note the day they return from absence or email the office If it is an extended absence (3 or more days), notify the office ahead of time so the teachers may get work together Arrange to make it up with the teacher
Supplies/Materials Information about supplies for each class will be reviewed within the first week of school Each student should have a zippered pencil case with at least 3 sharpened pencils daily Calculators must be brought to math class EVERY DAY!
HAC To access HAC, go to the link on Richboro Middle School’s website View student grades Access interims and report cards If you see an assignment with a blank score, it means the assignment has not been graded or the student has not submitted it
Clinic Every Thursday after school from 3:00-3:45pm Get extra help Make up tests or missed work Study or do homework with a teacher Buses available to take students home
Team Building Trip Reminders Camp America Date: Thursday, September 14th Lunch - please pack a brown bagged lunch Students must wear sneakers Students will be outside all day so you may also like to send students with sunglasses, hat, bug spray and sunscreen