Sauceda Middle School JANUARY 2018 Ms. Violeta Arenas, Librarian Ms Sauceda Middle School JANUARY 2018 Ms. Violeta Arenas, Librarian Ms. Elsa Viola Garcia, Librarian Clerk Phone: 956-461-4010 CAMPUS DATE TITLE TYPE BRIEF DESCRIPTION Sauceda Middle School Jan. 9-31, 2018 Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 15, 2018 Display Outside of the library the wall will be decorated with Martin Luther King Jr. illustrations, speeches, photos, etc… portraying his purpose and dream. Hours of Operations: Monday – Friday A.M. - P.M.
Solis Middle School JANUARY 2018 Ms. Erica Esqueda, Librarian Ms. Jessica Vega Herrera, Librarian Clerk Phone: 956-464-1650 CAMPUS DATE TITLE TYPE BRIEF DESCRIPTION Solis Middle School Mondays and Wednesdays in January. Game Days in the Library: School Scrabble Activities: Every Monday and Wednesdays are game days in the library. We are moving on to Scrabble this January. Board games are available to students all day on these days. All of this is in preparation for this year's 3rd annual School Scrabble tournament in February. For over two decades, the School SCRABBLE Program has been providing kids a fun and worthwhile extension of the classroom. Educators and parents have found that School SCRABBLE has positively impacted participating kids by strengthening: verbal skills, curiosity, math skills, time management, strategic thinking, teamwork skills, social skills, and attention span. Throughout the month of January. Raffle Winners announced: 15th, 22nd , and 29th New Year Book Challenge Activities: A.P. Solis Middle School students your library challenges you to read and test on as many books as you can this month. Every test you take with an 80% or better enters you in raffles going on every Friday this month. Which book will you choose to read at the start of a New Year requires some careful consideration. The simple resolution is just to "Read More." Let's make 2017 a year of fantastic reading. You can do it! January 19th Secondary Battle of the Books Activities: The student competitions are usually similar to the TV series Family Feud or Whiz Kids styles of competitions. Each middle school will have a team to compete for first place. District winners will go on to the regional competition. Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students in elementary, middle school, and high school. Students read books and come together usually in groups to demonstrate their abilities and to test their knowledge of the books they have read. Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Todd Middle School JANUARY 2018 Ms. Laura Nora Bernal, Librarian Ms. Lorena Zuniga, Librarian Clerk Phone: 956-464-1800 CAMPUS DATE TITLE TYPE BRIEF DESCRIPTION W.A. Todd Middle School Jan. 9- Jan. 30 I am unique because………. Research/Writing Contest Students will write an original story or an original poem about what makes them unique after researching how every snowflake is unique. Teachers will select the top 10 stories/poem by grade level to be judged by the librarian. Awards will be given to 1st to 3rd place by grade level. Stories and winning author’s pictures will be displayed on the monitor in front of the office and in the library. I have a dream…… Writing Contest In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, students will write an original story or an original poem about their dreams as they pertain to their future. Teachers will select the top 10 stories/poem by grade level to be judged by the librarian. Awards will be given to 1st to 3rd place by grade level. Stories and winning author’s pictures will be displayed on the monitor in front of the office and in the library. Hours of Operations: Monday – Friday A.M. - P.M.
Hours of Operations: Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Veterans Middle School JANUARY 2018 Ms. Kathy D. Mendoza, Librarian Ms. Ana Teresa Nava Regino, Librarian Clerk Phone: 956-464-1350 Hours of Operations: Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.