Geoffroy Troy Shelby See
The Renaissance Man Professor, scholar, translator, poet, author, publisher, printer, bookseller, calligrapher, designer, illustrator, and engraver Introduced the apostrophe, the accent, and the cedilla (‘ á ç) Books: Livre d'heures, 1525 “Book of Hours” Champ-fleury, 1529 “Paradise” Tres utile et compendieulx traicte de lart et science dorthographie gallicane, 1529 “Three complexities of science” L'Adolescence clémentine et Briesve doctrine pour deuement escripre, 1533 “Adolescence documents” Translated Latin, edited and pushlished in latin and greek texts Introduced the apostrophe, the accent, and the cedilla (‘ á ç) Unique school of design and illustration Studied at Rome and Bologna, returned to France I 1505 , lectured at the U of Paries (Le Sorbonne) and librarian Designed early type used by Henri Estienne and Sikmon de Colines and designed trademarks Opened his own bookselling firm where he printed books. Pot casse trademark (figure 7-24)- symbol for french renaissance-associated with the death of his daughter Book of Hours for Simon de Colines 3 famous books- 1 about pronunciation and speech, 2 about history of roman letter comparing proportions of letters to the ideal proportions of the human figure, 3 about geometric construction of the 23 letter Latin alphabet -o show how letters should be made.
Typography “the 16th century was the golden age of French typography” Roman capitals designed by Tory accompanied by lighter new roman type of Garamond -He used a square grid that foreshadows the pixels of today’s digital letterforms, a grid on which the perfect shape of a human face or body could also be set out -Graphic design as harmonious elements of text, capital initials, borders, and illustrations Francis I honored Toy by making him the printer to the king in 1530
The Letter Q