History of Japanese anime By Khalil & Jan By: Jan & Khalil
Who invented Japanese anime? The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ōten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kōuchi and Seitaro Kitayama referred to as the "fathers" of anime. 1951- Osamu Tezuka created the milestone manga, Tetsuwan Atom or Astro Boy, as it was known in the US. As a result, years later he became a pioneer in anime, and was the man responsible for the success of anime and manga worldwide.
When was anime created? The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West. The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ōten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kōuchi and Seitaro Kitayama, referred to as the "fathers" of anime”
What was the first anime? (1907-1964) The first anime was created at 1907.The anime lasted for 4 second clip that is 50 frames long. It was called Katsudo Shashin.In it, a boy writes 活動写真, which means "moving pictures" on a board. Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki is considered to be the first professional anime film. It was created by Ōten Shimokawa in 1917. The mainstream production of anime began during World War II. Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei (1945) which was a propaganda film is the first anime feature-length film. おとぎマンガカレンダー, or Otogi Manga Calendar, was the first anime series to be produced and the first to be televised. It ran from 1961-1964. Astro Boy first aired in 1963, making it one of the older anime series, but not the oldest.
1960s-1970s…. •In this time period some people called it the start of real anime. The qualities has been improving and the plot or the storylines are getting better. • •Animes-Astro boy,the little prince and the eight headed dragon,etc.. http://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/early-anime-features-two-1960s-classics/
1990s-present…. Naruto shippuden 1997 In this era the qualities and the genre’s has reached a new level. Kimba the white lion (1995) Dragon Warrior: Legend of the Hero Abel 1991 Naruto shippuden 1997
Influence on world culture Anime has become commercially profitable in Western countries as demonstrated by early commercially successful Western adaptations of anime, such as Astro Boy. Since the nineteenth century, many Westerners have expressed a particular interest towards Japan and anime has dramatically exposed more Westerners to the culture of Japan.
The History Of Anime (Japanese Animation) - Justin Muir