Lets Dream Big! Kira Uchiha
Hi everyone today I am going to be talking about dreams and goals for the future so hear are my goals I want to be a famous YouTuber and cosplayer I want to go to Norway and japan I also want to be not rich but have lots of money to travel around places
I would like to be famous for my cosplay and my youtube videos. This is white Spring how inspired me was White Spring, she is a YouTuber who is a cosplayer and she is really nice. She inspired me to have a youtube account and to cosplay. I would like to be famous for my cosplay and my youtube videos. I also wanted to cosplay because in 2012 I went to a convention that had so much people cosplaying and then I wanted to cosplay. I am determent to do this goal, I know it will take along time but I think I can do it.
I chose cosplay because it is fun, and I can be creative there I chose cosplay because it is fun, and I can be creative there. If you did not know what cosplay means it means costume and play, put together it makes cos-play. I like to cosplay because I can be all my favrout anime charters, I also like it because I can go to convention. When I cosplay it makes me happy and I am normally cosplay with friends so it is fun.
A convention is a place where lots of people go there to cosplay, you can also call it con instead of convention. At a convention you can also by posters, wall scrolls, buttons and cosplays stuff or books. I chose YouTube because I like to create cmv and skits and I can put my cosplays on YouTube. I also chose YouTube because I like to put videos on YouTube with my friends.
A convention is a place where lots of people go there to cosplay, you can also call it con instead of convention. At a convention you can also by posters, wall scrolls, buttons and cosplays stuff or books. I chose YouTube because I like to create cmv and skits and I can put my cosplays on YouTube. I also chose YouTube because I like to put videos on YouTube with my friends. White Spring has lots of cmv and skites on her YouTube channel, she has weekly videos and other stuff. White Spring has lots of funny videos. If you did not know what cmv is I will tell you, it means cosplay music video. I am buying stuff on EBay for my Brithday and other things I save up money for cosplays. I think it is hard to get all the money. I do have a YouTube channel I put CMV on there, but I also have cosplays Sires, and a lot more stuff I need to get cameras and other stuff so I can recorded beater. That’s all I have to say for this post but I hoped you liked it bye!