Geography: Japan’s Flag Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI Pg: 8 Japan is an island country in east Asia located in the Pacific ocean, Tokyo is The Capital city and the largest city in Japan. Population of Japan is higher then 126 it’s the tenth largest of any country in the world Major Rivers: Ishikari, Kitakami, Shinano, Tone Japan’s Flag Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI Pg: 8
The symbol in the centre of the "Hi-no-maru” It has been the state symbol of Japan for centuries. The flag became the National Flag following the Meiji Restoration in 1868 www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags
Japan is Japan is 25 times smaller than the united states, which lead to a crowded cites Subways in Japan Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI Pg:38
Interesting information 127 million of Japanese's people live in a place that has one room , Capsule hotels offer tiny rooms for those who missed a train or had to stay late in work. Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI pg:13
Maps: Industry & power in Japan this map shows the industry power in Japan it has a lot of iron and steel and that every country has Textiles and clothing
Human Poverty: Human Poverty index uses indicators that capture non- financial elements of poverty and it shows that Japan Has The lowest scores
World Healthy Countries (Japan) Japan health 73.6 heather countries
Average life expectancy: because of there healthy food their average age is rising more quickly than anywhere apart from Italy 5% over 65 7 % over 65 93 % under 65 10 % over 65 17 % over 65 90% under 65 83% under 65 Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI pg: 38
Workers exercise in the begging of the day Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg:40
Culture in Japan Culture is the people way in life, it includes their languages, social costumes, habits and Traditions Japanese culture: to other countries it might be surprising how Japanese people share one culture, yet in fact only one percent of the people living in Japan are not Japanese, their laws are difficult to deal with although they are known for being generous and friendly to there guests. Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg:4
Geisha girls are traditional symbols of Japanese culture Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg:6
Sushi is the most popular thing they eat Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg: 184
Political: The Politics in Japan are conducted by a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic monarchy where prime minister of Japan is the head of governments Japan /Gritzener, Phillips &Desaulniers 952 GRI pg: 22
The Diet Building in Tokyo: 1920-1936
Economic and Income : Japan has 47 local governments. Japan has three branches of government The legislative branch The executive branch The judicial branch (the Diet) Japan ranks the second among the worlds nations in the gross domestic product GDP Japan /Gritzener, Phillips &Desaulniers 952 GRI pg: 68
GDP : Japan is divided by 127 million people it drops 14th place which means that 13th other countries produce more wealth per person
Shinkansen is a network of High-speed in Japan that has been operated by four Japan railways group companies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinkansen
Japan’s animation and Manga: Japan anime is a way to learn there language thousands of kids teenagers adults watch there comics. as a large audience in Japan and high recognition throughout the world A common approach is the large eyes styles drawn on many anime and manga characters. Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg:23 Some facts I already know
Famous anime: Detective Conan Naruto One Piece Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI pg:23
Environment : (1960-1970) in those years Japan had very serious pollution problems, it was the result of thinking that economic grow is more important than the protection of the environment they were unaware of the dangers A factory discharged mercury into the Agano river, poisoning fish and the local people ate them, in the same decade a petrochemical plant released Sulphur dioxide, causing high levels of smog which made the near people disease Japan /Gritzener, Phillips &Desaulniers 952 GRI pg:55
Species Diversity A lot of animals were affected Category Known Threatened species Mammals 188 37 Breeding birds 210 34 Reptiles 92 11 Amphibians 64 10 Fish 1,007 13 Plants 5,565 Japan /Gritzener, Phillips &Desaulniers 952 GRI pg:55
The End Hope you like it
Books : Culture in Japan /Melanie Guile 952 GUI Focus ON Japan /Tidmarsh 952 TID Japan /Gritzener, Phillips &Desaulniers 952 GRI Japan /Charles Phillips 952 PHI