Integration from our point of view Vicenza, 12-13 September 2017 Centar Primary School from Rijeka (Croatia)
About Rijeka the biggest Croatian port 3rd biggest town in Croatia around 191.641 inhabitants Europian Capital of Culture (Port of diversity 2020) rainy
About our school situated in the city centre built in 1875 – historical heritage small number of pupils personal approach many differences
Integration and multiculturalism school known for multiculturalism religious education (Catolic and Islamic) macedonian language, culture and customs integration of gifted and special needs children who are included in projects and other activities
Multimedia group has existed for 3 years – once a week lead by school librarian and pedagogue we deal with current events we take part in school events and various competitions we learn about media literacy, how to use tools for editing text, photos, videos, music, films (MS Word, Publisher, YTD video, PhotoScape, Audacity, Movie Maker, Filmora…)
Some of our projects: film about industrial haritage… about violence… our teacher immigrant…
Idea for our film: competition for making a 3-minute long documentary about differences positive presentation of integration we were most impressed by our 8th grader Youwei Zhang’s story came from faraway China 4 years ago
About Youwei: didn’t speak Croatian started attending Croatian language classes for speakers of other languages communicated in English or with the help of Google translator took part in various Maths and Physics competitions came in 4th in the regional Maths competition
Process: fileldwork – visiting his parents, who work in a filming through games and fieldwork distribution of tasks (cameramen, journalists, screenwriters, directors, editors) getting to know Chinese culture, customs and script fileldwork – visiting his parents, who work in a Chinese restaurant
our student Klara was the interviewer Klara emigrated to Germany last year (just like Youwei, who came to Croatia) technical process: filming, choice of video clips, editing (audio, film frames), choice of music project result / aim: learning and better integration and bonding