MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Local Mitigation Strategy Working Group Post – “IRMA” Planning Session October 19, 2017
Goals and Objectives Purpose of Today’s Meeting – Introduce the Local Mitigation Strategy (“LMS”) and Hazard Mitigation Generate Ideas for Mitigation Activities Discuss Ways to Leverage Other Federal Programs to Increase Flexibility Start the Process of Preparing Your Proposed Mitigation Activities Ask Questions
Who we are Director – Marty Senterfitt Senior Planner – Shannon Davis-Weiner Senior Planner – Jeff Manning Radiological Emergency Preparedness – Vince Kalson Executive Assistant - Alary Luttazi And YOU
Local Mitigation Strategy What is the “LMS”? County’s “Living” Planning Tool that Helps Guide How We: Analyze Our Risks Propose to Mitigate Those Risks Periodically Update and Review the Plan What is the LMS Working Group? Various County Stakeholders and Public at Large What Does the LMS Working Group Do? Collect and Review Potential Mitigation Activities Rank and Prioritize Projects in Accordance with FAC 27P-22 Transmit Application Packages to FDEM/FEMA for Review and Approval
Local Mitigation Strategy Who Submits Mitigation Activities? Local Governments Special Districts Utilities Who Cannot Submit Activities? Individuals Local Governments Submit on Behalf of these Entities How are the Activities Funded? Typically through State and Federal Grant Programs HMGP PDM FMA CDBG-DR Local Governments are Encouraged to Fund these Types of Activities as a Matter of Course
Hazard Mitigation Activities What is “Hazard Mitigation”? “Generally, refers to any permanent action taken for a facility/structure/asset to reduce or eliminate vulnerability to a [natural] hazard” In English… Incorporating higher than currently present (or required) standards to protect against the effects of natural hazards: Elevating a flood prone structure to above Base Flood Elevation Hardening of a facility to resist higher winds loads Purchasing and installing an emergency generator to service a critical facility
Hurricane IRMA DR-4337-FL Currently Implementing the Individual Assistance (I.A.) and the Public Assistance (P.A.) Programs The Total Amounts of These Programs in Florida Will Fund the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP or 404 Mitigation) Monroe County Will Receive an Allocated Amount Determined by State Law
Formulating Mitigation Activities Typically Eligible Activities: Flood-Proofing of Non-Residential Structures Sponsoring the Elevation of Privately Owned Structures Wind-Retrofit/Hardening of Structures Elevation of Roads to Reduce Inundation Minor Drainage Improvements to Protect Structures and Infrastructure Generators to Support Critical Facilities Generally Ineligible Activities: Purchase of Emergency Equipment or Vehicles Construction of New Facilities Plans or Studies Not Directly Tied to a Proposed Activity LiDAR or GIS-Related Activities Maintenance or Repair to Existing Facilities, Damaged or Not
Leveraging Other Federal Programs FEMA’s Public Assistance’s “406 Mitigation” Can be applied to damaged elements of an eligible facility Examples Increasing the height of a damaged sea wall Install shutters or an improved roof on a building damaged by wind HUD’s CDBG-DR Grants Designed to Assist with Disaster Recovery Focus on Low to Moderate Income Families Potential Source of Mitigating Existing Residential Structures Requires Extensive Documentation and Planning
Developing Your Working Strategy Municipalities/Utilities: Where are you seeing damage in your Public Assistance Project Worksheets? Include Mitigation Where Possible Are you rebuilding/replacing any facilities or infrastructure? Build to Higher Standards/Mitigate if Possible Undamaged Facilities or Sites? Consider Bringing these Sites Up to a Common Level of Protection with the HMGP Develop an Internal Prioritization of How Your Entity Wants to Fund Mitigation Activities
Developing Your Working Strategy Individuals: Reach out to your elected officials and express your opinions Follow information sources for announcements and opportunities for public comment and participation If local government-sponsored mitigation activities benefiting private structures are announced, follow instructions carefully on what information is needed from you
Required Forms Step 1 – Notice of Intent or “NOI” One Per Project One Project May Contain Many Structures Very Basic Information Describe the Activity Fully Address All Items Identify All Mitigation Goals Addressed Step 2 - Characterization Form or “CF” Pre-Application One Per Project Provide as Much Detail as Feasible Be Sure to Accurately Portray the Benefits of the Project Key For Ranking and Scoring
Next Steps Work through P.A. and I.A., identifying opportunities for Hazard Mitigation Begin Putting Together NOIs and CFs Next Meeting (2-3 Months) Will be NOI and CF Development Workshop Reach out to Jeff Manning and Adam Ferguson with any questions
QUESTIONS? Monroe County Emergency Management Jeff Manning – Monroe County Building Department Adam Ferguson –