Secretary General FAIB visit our website for more info: CPIV Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium, asbl “The role and value of a national federation of associations: some case studies” Danièle VRANKEN Secretary General FAIB visit our website for more info: UIA WORKSHOP 10.11.2017
TEASER … REASONS TO ATTEND THIS SESSION The role & value of a national federation of associations: some case studies How is a national federation of international associations useful, relevant, even essential, to the work of international associations in that country? What, for example, does FAIB do for associations in Belgium, FIIG for associations in Geneva (Cyril Ritchie), or EFC (Sarah Impens) for foundations in Europe? We will look at these and other examples to see how they serve associations, how they are heard by regional authorities, and how they collaborate on joint initiatives with local partners. Visit.Brussels will give us their view on the strong relationship at Brussels level (Jan Lichota). Join us and let us know how we can serve you even better ! 2 Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium
Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 1. PRESENTING THE FAIB The FAIB is the Federation of European & International associations (INPAs) established in Belgium, created in 1949; There are currently 4 categories of members: Full Members (+/- 280) Associate Members (20) Corresponding Members (2) Honorary Members (3) And 13 Sponsors whose activities are in line with those of FAIB members. 3 Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium
Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 1. PRESENTING THE FAIB Its main objectives are: Take all possible initiatives to encourage European and International Associations to be established / remain in Belgium; To study, further and defend the interests of its members vis-à-vis third parties, notably public bodies; To obtain official legal recognition of associations & associative movement by Belgian (national & regional), European and international authorities; To help obtain every possible measure to facilitate members’ activities; To assist members in organising their activities; To keep members informed of developments. 4 Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium
3. DEFINITIONS AND TYPES OF INPAs OPERATING IN BELGIUM Amongst FAIB members, several types of international associations are recorded: Civil Society/Specific: patients, cultural, environment, education, … NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation (charity, development, …); Professional: representing the interests and acting as spokesbody for individuals / local associations of a same profession; Trade: representing the interests and acting as spokesbody of an industry branch; “Others”: Economic Interest Grouping (EIG), European Economic Interest Grouping, (EEIG), Foundation, … Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 5
EXAMPLES OF SUPPORT – COLLECTIVE ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN ON BEHALF OF INPA VAT: convince Belgian finance authorities to clarify the status of INPAs vs. Vat: either 0 or 100 %; European Joint Transparency Register: gather & communicate FAIB members’ position and liaise with the Secretariat of the JTR; Contribute to the revision of the Belgian corporate law impacting INPAs; Take part in the consultation of the sector in the context of the FAFT (Financial Action Task Force) - to fight money laundering and financing of terrorism by non-profit organisations; Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 6
EXAMPLES OF SUPPORT – COLLECTIVE ACTIONS HR Collective Agreements: take part in the consultation to set up the CCP 337; Take an active role in the contents and strategy of the European Association Summit “by Associations for Associations” since its creation (6th edition); Lobby at Belgian / European level with the support of the FAIB Socio-Economic Survey based on INPAs input; ………………………. Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 7
Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium FAIB STRATEGY The Strategy Task Force set up by the FAIB Board identified several objectives: Increase FAIB membership by 25% by 2025; Increase FAIB’s visibility and credibility to better serve its membership; to this end: Improve / enlarge FAIB services to its members (Lunch-debates focussing on topical issues impacting INPAs, Help Desk, Tailor-made support, …); Improve communications; New surveys consulting the INPA community (financing, banking services, … ) Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 8
Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium Thank you for your attention Website: Federation of European & international associations based in Belgium 9