Dynamic Feature Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) draft-singh-geopriv-pidf-lo-dynamic-00.txt Vishal K. Singh Henning Schulzrinne Hannes Tschofenig IETF 67, San Diego
Requirements and Use Cases Mechanism to indicate temporal features of entities Mechanism to track location of moving objects Use cases: location tracking fleet management monitoring safety of personnel Extends RFC 4119 with temporal feature elements
Dynamic Feature Elements Based on GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd Speed Measure of the rate of motion Bearing Direction: compass point (e.g., "N", "NNE") type gml:DirectionPropertyType Acceleration The rate (usually rapid) at which something happens Elevation The height of an entity above a reference level; altitude
Example xmlns:temp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1“ <presence xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf“ xmlns:gp=“urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10” xmlns:temp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1“ entity="pres:geotarget@example.com"> <tuple id="sg89ae"> <status> <gp:geopriv> <gp:location-info> <gml:location> ………… </gml:location> <temp:speed uom="#kph">12</temp:speed> <temp:bearing> <temp:CompassPoint>SE</temp:CompassPoint> </temp:bearing> </gp:location-info> <gp:usage-rules> ………… ………… ………… </gp:usage-rules> </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp>2003-06-22T20:57:29Z</timestamp> </tuple> </presence>
Protocol Behavior Indicating the use of dynamic feature in PIDF-LO Indicating units of measure GML units to measure parameters
Multiple Moving Object Elements Watchers may request to receive multiple location vector objects together Use of <timed-status> to transfer multiple location vector objects <tuple> <status> <gp:geopriv> .......... </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp>.....</timestamp> <timed-status from="some time" until="some time"> <gp:geopriv> ............ </gp:geopriv> <gp:geopriv> ........... </gp:geopriv> </timed-status> </tuple> <tuple> ....... </tuple>
Alternatives Considered Could use <MovingObjectStatus> or its parent element <track> from GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd But… Backward compatibility problems OR <location> appears twice tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info movingobjectstatus location speed location-info geopriv 2 old system won’t find <location> duplicate <location> - mandatory below <movingobjectstatus> tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info location movingobjectstatus location speed geopriv 2 http://www.geoplace.com/uploads/FeatureArticle/0603gml.asp
Open Issues How does watcher indicate support of dynamic feature in PIDF-LO? Proposals: list supported namespaces Accept: application/pidf+xml; supported="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:temporal1" register a token for each (set of) namespaces Accept: application/pidf+xml; supported="geopriv-temporal-features“ watcher filter
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