Curriculum Standard for Electrical Systems Technology (A35130)


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Presentation transcript:

Curriculum Standard for Electrical Systems Technology (A35130) Career Cluster: Architecture and Construction** Pathway Description: This curriculum is designed to provide training for persons interested in the installation and maintenance of electrical systems found in residential, commercial, and industrial facilities. Coursework, most of which is hands-on, will include such topics as AC/DC theory, basic wiring practices, programmable logic controllers, industrial motor controls, applications of the National Electric Code, and other subjects as local needs require. Graduates should qualify for a variety of jobs in the electrical field as an on-the-job trainee or apprentice assisting in the layout, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems.   AAS Diploma Certificate Minimum General Education Hours 15 6 Minimum Major Hours 49 30 12 Other Required Hours 0-7 0-4 0-1 Total Semester Hours Credit (SHC) 64-76 36-48 12-18              

Electrical Systems Technology (A35130) AAS Diploma Certificate Minimum Major Hours Required: 49 SHC 30 SHC 12 SHC A. Technical Core: Courses required for the diploma are designated with * Required Courses: * Wiring. Select one: ELC 113 Residential Wiring 4 SHC or ELC 114 Commercial Wiring 4 SHC or ELC 115 Industrial Wiring 4 SHC * Motor Controls. Select one: ELC 117 Motors and Controls 4 SHC ELN 231 Industrial Controls 3 SHC * DC/AC. Select one: ELC 112 DC/AC Electricity 5 SHC or ELC 131 Circuit Analysis I 4 SHC and ELC 131A Circuit Analysis I Lab 1 SHC or ELC 138 DC Circuit Analysis 4 SHC and ELC 139 AC Circuit Analysis 4 SHC Automated Controls. Select one: ELC 128 Introduction to PLC 3 SHC ELN 260 Prog Logic Controllers 4 SHC   27-32 SHC 12-16 SHC

IV. Apprenticeship Preparatory Fundamentals (APF): The Apprenticeship Preparatory Fundamentals pre-apprenticeship certificate program prepares students for registered apprenticeship, work-based learning, and entry-level employment opportunities. Completers receive an additional pre-apprenticeship certificate of completion from NCWorks Apprenticeship. Colleges may establish an Apprenticeship Preparatory Fundamentals program by including the Preparatory Core within an approved career technical education local certificate program. A separate APF program of study shall be filed with the System Office prior to implementation and the college should add a local suffix (AP) to the program code to distinguish the program. For tracking requirements, colleges shall report completers using the following 5-digit format example, where the last program code digit has been dropped and a “P” inserted in its place: C5042P or C2512P.

Preparatory Core Required Course: (Career Readiness Certificate) ACA 110 Reading/Locating Info & Work Math (new course) 2 SHC Workplace Transition (Choose One): (Employability Certification) ACA 220 Professional Transition 1 SHC or WBL 110 World of Work 1 SHC or WBL 111 Work-Based Learning I 1 SHC or WBL 112 Work-Based Learning I 2 SHC or WBL 121 Work-Based Learning I 1 SHC or WBL 122 Work-Based Learning I 2 SHC Computer Literacy (Choose One): (Microsoft/IT Certification) CIS 110 Intro to Computers 3 SHC CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy 2 SHC ELC 127 Software for Technicians 2 SHC OST 137 Office Applications I 3 SHC TRN 170 PC Skills for Transp (eliminate for Electrical systems cu std.) 2 SHC Safety (Choose One): (OSHA Certification) ISC 110 Workplace Safety 1 SHC ISC 112 Industrial Safety 2 SHC ISC 115 Construction Safety 2 SHC ISC 121 Envir Health & Safety 2 SHC

1. Participate in sector partnerships to identify talent gaps and meet training needs. 2. Serve as the employer partner for registered apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship programs. 3. Partner with training organizations and community colleges to help workers upskill.

  COURSE TITLE: Reading/Locating Info & Work Math ` COURSE NO.: ACA 110 CREDITS/CONTACTS: Credit hours 2 Lecture hours/week: 1 Laboratory hours/week: 2 INSTRUCTOR: Ms./Mr. Goode Instructor Office Hours: To be announced Phone: (919-807-7xxx) PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to familiarize individuals with fundamental core skill sets that are critical for successful employment. Topics include reading for information, locating information, and applying mathematics to sources common to the workplace. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to read for information, locate information, and apply mathematics to a work-related scenario. CORE CURRICULUM: Apprenticeship Preparatory Fundamentals (APF). Apprenticeship Core – Various CTE programs. TEXTBOOKS: REQUIRED: WorkKeys Secrets Study Guide: WorkKeys Practice Questions & Review for the ACT's WorkKeys Assessments (Mometrix Secrets Study Guides) Paperback. ISBN: 9781627339537 OPTIONAL: Sample questions, available for each WorkKeys® skills assessment. and-services/workforce-solutions/act-workkeys/test-preparation.html OPTIONAL: McGraw Hill Workplace Skills: Applied Mathematics, Student Workbook Workplace Skills: Reading for Information, Student Workbook Workplace Skills: Locating Information, Student Workbook

COURSE ASSIGNMENT AND OUTLINE (Readings/Practice Tests from Mometrix Test Prep)   WEEK READING TOPICS LAB ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER QUIZ 1 Pgs.1-2 Course introduction, syllabus review, course expectations, popular terminology & Top 20 Test Taking Tips Course Workbook   2 Pgs.2-13 Applied Mathematics - Basics Example Problems Lab Sheet 3 Pgs.14-18 Applied Mathematics - Geometry 4 Pgs.18-36 Applied Mathematics – Example Problems 5 Pgs.2-36 Applied Math Review Practice Test Math Practice Test 6 Pgs.37-44 Locating Information 7 Pgs.45-60 Locating Information – Practice Test 8 Pgs.61-75 9 Locating Information Review Locating Info Practice Test 10 Pgs.76-89 Reading for Information 11 Pgs.89-91 Reading for Information – Practice Test 12 Pgs.92-102 13 Pgs.76-102 Reading for Information Review Reading for Information Practice Test 14 Pgs.107-145 General Strategies and Secret Keys Create “Cheat Sheet”. 3 sheets color pages (provided) Cheat Sheet 15 All Chapters Review. Create a 3-page “cheat sheet” outlining the most important concepts and principles gained from the course. This document can be used for the final exam.  Completed Cheat Sheet 16 Final Exam COMPREHENSIVE FINAL or CRC Examination Final Examination