Literary Elements Notes
Point of View
Definition of Point of View: the perspective from which a story is told Who is the narrator?
Let’s break it down…
3 Types of Point of View
narrator is outside the story but knows thoughts of all characters Omniscient: “all-knowing” narrator is outside the story but knows thoughts of all characters
Omniscient Example: Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella. Cinderella got her name because she was forced to work as a servant and sleep near the cinders. She truly hated this work. Cinderella was treated cruelly by her wicked stepmother, who was jealous of the girl's good looks and sweet temper because her own daughters were ugly and mean.
Limited Third Person: narrator is outside the story (just like omniscient) but knows thoughts of only one character
Limited 3rd Person Example: Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella, who was treated cruelly by her stepmother. Cinderella often wept bitterly in her ashy corner. Nightmares haunted her, and she feared the darkened scullery when the rats came out and played about her feet. At times, she wondered if her goodness would ever be rewarded.
First Person: narrator is an actual character in the story (major or minor) *** narration uses “I” (me/my)
First Person Example: I had spent sixteen years sitting in the cinders of the kitchen. My stepmother must have hated me because she made me do the dirty work. I could not understand the reasons for her feelings, for I had always treated her with respect. I slept in the ashes, and was tortured by nightmares and fear of rats.
Point of View