Teacher Name: Mr. Lawson Welcome to ICT Teacher Name: Mr. Lawson
Entering the classroom Pupils should be outside of the classroom prior to the lesson. If you arrive after the bell or (3mins) then you will be considered late. Pupils are expected to line up out side the classroom in an appropriate manner or seated. Your planners should be brought to class. Pupils will enter the classroom once they have received permission from the teacher. Pupils will refer to the teacher’s seating plan. (depending) Pupils will sit down once the teacher has given permission. Planners will need to be placed on your desks. If you do not have a planner you need to ask your tutor for one.
Seating Plan & Register Tutors will take the register at the start of every day. Lawson will take attendance during ICT classes to. If there is a pattern of lateness then this will be reported to the HOY. Pupils will have to adhere to the seating plan every lesson. (unless told otherwise)
Logging on to the Computers Key stage 3 classes will be given a unique password and username. For Example: User Name: BSBS, Password: BITMAP2 Pupils will log in with the username provided every lesson. Make sure you log out so the people from the next class can not access your work. Last year a lot of pupils lost their work due to the shared access. Key stage 4 & 5 pupils will also have individual log ins. Pupils are also requested to bring a USB stick to backup work.
Rules and expectations within the ICT Lab Attend lessons on time. Show respect to teachers and peers at all times. Do not talk over a teacher or a pupil who may be giving an answer. Show respect to the equipment. Report any problems with the equipment to the teacher. Complete all set work and homework. No eating or drinking at your workstation. Stay in your seats unless you have permission to move around from the teacher. No use of mobile phones
Positive Behaviour Merit and house points will be handed out for positive behaviour and good application in class. If pupils are consistently performing well then parents will be notified via email or phone call.
Department Website http://mrlawsonsclassroom.weebly.com/ http://moodle.bsb.edu.es/login/index.php
Department Website Up to date resources (Schemes of work) Lesson PowerPoints Video Tutorials IGCSE Revision
KS3 User Profiles User Name: Password:
KS4 User Profiles User Name: Password:
KS5 User Profiles User Name: Password: