X-ray crystallography Creative Biostructure offers high-throughput UniCrys™ crystallization services with our state-of-the-art facilities and has developed an X-ray crystallography pipeline including all the stages from gene synthesis to structure determination. Our experienced scientists can teamwork with customers and accelerate the research progress.
X-ray crystallography is a scientific technique of determining the positions and arrangements of atoms in a crystal. Beams of X-ray diffract into various specific directions when they strike a crystal, forming a diffraction pattern that can be interpreted into the three-dimensional structure of macromolecules. Since the first determined protein structure – myoglobin – in 1958, X-ray crystallography has become the most significant and useful tool for protein structure determination. Nowadays, more than 115,000 protein structures have been deposited into the Protein Data Bank and about 90% of them are by X-ray, suggesting its overwhelming advantages in protein structure study.
The key step in X-ray crystallography is the crystallization process. Since each protein has its unique physical and chemical properties, the initial crystallization screening can be very costly and time consuming. However, by taking advantages of our in-house X-ray diffraction platform, Creative Biostructure can provide the most efficient and economical strategies. The detailed services we provide are summarized in Table 1.in-house X-ray diffraction platform
The structural biology team at Creative Biostructure carries out high-resolution structure determination by using both in- house X-ray facility (for trial and optimization) and synchrotron light source (for data collection). High-resolution X-ray data, high- quality density maps, protein structures and statistics will also be made available for the purpose of publication and subsequent studies.