Male Organ Pain from a Torn Frenulum


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Pain from a Torn Frenulum

Considering all the hard work it gets put through, it’s surprising the manhood doesn’t experience more painful episodes. As all men know, there are any number of factors that account for male organ pain, some of which can have an impact on member health. One of the more painful male organ pain situations arises when a guy tears or otherwise damages his frenulum – so it’s best to try to avoid situations that put the frenulum at risk!member health

What is it? This is a not-so-secret secret: Despite all the time men spend with their members and despite the importance they place upon it, most guys don’t know what all the parts of the manhood are. And many may have heard the word “frenulum” without knowing exactly what (or where) it is. To put at ease any questions readers of this article may have in that area, the frenulum is the name given to the area of sensitive skin on the underside of the member, right near the center of the head. In intact men, this is the part of skin that attached the male hood to the member. In cut men, there may be no frenulum; more likely, there is some remnant of the frenulum there. In many men, this area is especially sensitive, and stroking it while self-stimulating can be pleasurable.

What happens As indicated above, the manhood is actually pretty resilient. Nonetheless, some things do cause male organ pain, and a tear in the frenulum is one of them. Since there is a greater sensitivity in this area, a tear can lead to greater male organ pain than a tear elsewhere. The frenulum is also located right “where the action is” where sensual activity is concerned, so the pain can be significantly bothersome. In intact men, the most painful form of frenulum injury is when it tears and separates from the rest of the male hood. Fortunately, this does not happen with great frequency. More common is a partial tear, and this can occur in both intact and cut men.

And the most common culprit of these tears is rough, aggressive handling during sensual activity. So if, for example, a man is increasingly using a “death grip” on his manhood while self-gratifying – that is, he is squeezing it intensely tight while pumping up and down – he may increase the likelihood of a tear. Or if a man engages in sensual activity which is not well-lubricated, the chances of a tear go up.

Some researchers believe frenulum tears are becoming more common, based on a belief that sensual activity (both partner- based and self-based) are becoming rougher, perhaps due to the increasing prevalence of adult visual material. This is based on an assumption that the “rougher” experience of coupling in adult visual material is being replicated among everyday people. But this is based on anecdotal observations, not on any hard and fast evidence.

If a guy does tear his frenulum, in addition to male organ pain there may be some blood. Seeing a doctor is usually a good idea, although most often the tears heal on their own. However, healing requires that the member be given a good rest for 4 to 6 weeks – which means no sensual activity, including self-fondling, during that time. In some cases, an operation may be required if the tear is severe or if it keeps recurring.

Taking good care of the frenulum to avoid male organ pain is strongly urged. One way to insure better member health is to consistently make use of a superior member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Find one that includes L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which plays a role in helping manhood blood vessels to relax and expand. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient that can help restore diminished sensation in the member due to rough handling.member health crème