Issues Under the Articles of Confederation Post-American Revolution AP US History
Economic Issues Congress had no power to tax the states ◦ States paid taxes on a voluntary basis to Congress Congress couldn’t regulate commerce ◦ Each state passed their own taxes upon goods from other states. Each state coined their own money and printed their own currency. ◦ Printed large amounts to pay off war debt. ◦ Causes high inflation Competition with cheaper British imported manufactured goods…..sound familiar?
Land Organization and Governance NY and VA favored to attain NW Territory; angered other small states Both give up claims and allow land to be organized by Congress….sense of unity. Congress would sell NW Territory lands to pay off war debts. Land Ordinance: 1785 ◦ 6² mile townships ◦ 1² mile sections (36 overall) ◦ 16 th section reserved for education
Northwest Territory (Old NW)
Land Ordinance of 1785
Governing the NW Territories Northwest Ordinance of 1787 ◦ 2 stages of development 1.) Area not equal to other states; governed directly by Congress 2.) Once population of area reached 60,000 then territory could apply for statehood and have equal representation as other states. ◦ Slavery is prohibited in the Northwest Territory.
Foreign Diplomacy Issues British ports are closed off to US trade ◦ Both in Europe and in W. Indies Spain controls mouth of Miss. River ◦ Closes commerce to US down the Miss. ◦ Spain claims lands north of Gulf of Mex. and lands in W. Florida French demand payment of loans given during the war ◦ Restricts trade until paid in full
Social Issues Boundary disputes between states Ultra-democratic citizens paranoid of all taxation and strong government Tension between lower and upper class (Aristocrats) Shays’ Rebellion….
Shays’ Rebellion Monument of the last battle of Daniel Shays’ Rebellion in W. Massachusetts
Shays’ Rebellion Western Massachusett: 1786 Led by Captain Daniel Shays (vet of war) Back farmers are having farms foreclosed due to lack of paper currency and heavy state taxation. If failed to pay taxes would also be jailed Rallies appx. 900 supporters and marches to Worcester, Ma. and forces closure of courts. Moves on to Springfield, Ma. where the rioters broke into the jail and freed all inmates. Mass. state government calls together an army and puts down the protesting farmers. Led to changes made in Ma. government in favor of impoverished farmers. One of the major factors is a want for a stronger central government.
Something has to be done! A call for convention of all state representatives was made. A failed attempt in 1786 by Virginia where only 5 delegates showed up led to another meeting to be held the following year in Philadelphia. All states showed up except Rhode Island (go figure) Most liberal of all states then.
Constitutional Convention May 25, 1787-Sept. 17, delegates attend George Washington ◦ Chairman James Madison ◦ “Father of the Constitution” All delegates were wealthy and well educated Goals of the delegates ◦ Give Congress the power to control commerce ◦ Gain commercial treaties with foreign nations ◦ Preserve the Union ◦ Stop anarchy (Shays) ◦ Curb unrestrained democracy
VIP’s of the Convention George Washington Ben Franklin James Madison Alexander Hamilton John Jay George Mason MIA ◦ Thomas Jefferson (France) ◦ John Adams (England) ◦ Thomas Paine (Europe) ◦ Sam Adams or John Hancock (not appointed as delegates) ◦ Patrick Henry (smelled a rat) ◦ Anyone from Rhode Island
Compromises Galore Four major compromises were proposed at the convention. ◦ Virginia Plan ◦ New Jersey Plan ◦ Great Compromise (Connecticut) ◦ 3/5 Compromise