Motor Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Gretchen Debner & Krystal Paul
Review of ASD Children on the Autism spectrum have difficulties with social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors, motor coordination, posture and motor planning Most people with autism are diagnosed between ages 2-3 Boys more likely than girls No “cure” Children with ASD who are 5-7 years old
Typical MD for 5-7 year olds Typically: Fundamental motor skills are developed during this time, locomotor & object control skills emerge, rapid development in these areas can be accomplished with proper instruction Typical patterns of motor skills: Run Gallop Skip Jump Hop Throw Catch Strike Kick Bounce Interact with friends Dance
MD for Children with ASD Brain differs in way it makes connections between sensory info from environment, planning actions and controlling movements Avoid physical activity challenges Easily upset when make mistake or don’t succeed on first try Dislike sensation from body when putting forth physical effort (tired, sweaty, out of breath) Poor balance Poor use of visual information Proprioception issues
How we can help (50 sec-2:45) Task Analysis- break down tasks Visuals- picture schedules, social stories, task sheets Equipment- yarn balls, light and heavy balls, parachute, swings, balls that make noise, yoga balls,balloons,etc Encourage play Remember Newell’s model- learner, task, environment
References Hodge, S.R., Lieberman, L.J., Murata, N.M. (2012). Essentials of teaching adapted physical education. Scottsdale, AZ. Holcomb Hathaway Publishers, Inc. Rain, E. (2016). Motor skills in autistic children. Love to Know. Retrieved from hyperconnected-brain-areas-could-brain-imaging-one- day- diagnose-disorder-262261 Susan, S. (2013). Kids with autism have hyperconnected brain areas: could brain imaging one day diagnose the disorder? Medical Daily. Retrieved from brain-areas-could-brain-imaging-one-day-diagnose-disorder- 262261