CRIMINOLOGY The academic discipline of criminology uses scientific methods to study the nature, extent and causes of criminal behavior.
INTERDISCIPLINARY Because criminologists are influenced by many disciplines the field of criminology is Interdisciplinary
The History of Criminology The middle ages (1200-1600) Criminals were viewed as witches or Demons
The History of Criminology Punishment was: Harsh People were maimed, tortured, whipped, and executed.
Cesare Beccaria 1738-1794 – Italy Utilitarianism (Later became known as Classical Criminology) Basic concept We want pleasure NOT pain.
Cesare Beccaria Punishment should fit the crime and should be: Public Swift Proportionate Dictated by Law
August Comte 1800’s - France Founded Sociology Developed the term POSITIVISM: The Scientific Method should be applied to human behavior.
Cesare Lombroso 1835-1909 – Italy The Father of Criminology Developed BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM: People are born criminals
L.A.J. Quetelet 1796-1874 – France Began to use statistics to study crime. Examined crime in relationship to factors such as: Season Climate Age Gender Poverty Alcohol
Emile Durkheim 1858 – 1917 – France Anomie – Norm and Role confusion created chaos and increased crime. Society went from small rural towns to urban cities.
The “Chicago School” Early 1900’s – United States Robert Ezra Park Ernest Burgess Louis Wirth
The “Chicago School” Researchers in Chicago examined: Urban Studies Poverty Poor Schools Failure of Socialization Viewed crime as being caused by the environment NOT biology
Karl Marx 1818-1883 Germany Critical Criminology / Conflict Theory (Late 1800’s through 1960’s.) Broke with both environmental and socialization views on crime. Gained popularity in the 1960’s.
Critical Criminology Economics affect crime. The rich control the poor. Whole groups of people are oppressed. Woman, minorities, etc.
Developmental Criminology Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck (Harvard) 1930’s Early onset of delinquency = criminal career The deeper the roots of childhood maladjustment = A smaller chance of adjustment.
Developmental Criminology Poor Family = Delinquency Low IQ = Delinquency Mesomorph physique common * Combined biological, social and psychological factors
What do criminologists do? Criminal Statistics: Gather crime data. Measure crime patterns. Look for crime trends.
What do criminologists do? Sociology of Law 1. Study how laws develop. 2. Examine history of legal thought regarding murder, rape, theft, etc. 3. Help lawmakers respond to change. For example: Scams, computer fraud, online predators.
What do criminologists do? Theory Construction 1. Predict individual behavior. 2. Examine crime causation 3. Conduct biological and environmental studies
What do criminologists do? Conduct Crime Specific research and look for patterns and trends in: Rape Murder Robbery Gangs Drugs Prostitution Etc.
What do criminologists do? Penology involves: Correction and control. Rehabilitation Prisons and jails Mandatory sentences Death penalty
What do criminologists do? Victimology: 1. Helping crime victims. 2. Victim Service Programs. 3. Teaching victim empathy. 4. Witness protection.
Social Deviance VS Crime All crimes are deviant. Not all deviance is criminal. Values Norms: Mores and Folkways